In my dream, it was before sunset in an unfamiliar place, there were children playing in a sandbox and a few unoccupied swings still wavering with the wind. In the distance, the girl of my dream came running towards me, she wore a white dress, the wrinkles of her dress caught the remainder of the sunset, and reflected her face in a warm soothing glow. She smiled beautifully at me and began to talk, I couldn't remember her words nor her face. Nonetheless her wavy hair and sweet scent blended well with the cool breeze and distant noises of laughter and joy. We never kissed, not even touched-i think. Yet this was the girl I loved. For this I know, because my heart is always right, at least in my dreams, that is. She had a twig in her hand, and as dreams always play a trick on us, we were all of a sudden left alone, the surroundings gone. We're now just the two of us, standing in the sandbox. Holding onto the twig with her slender fingers, she drew a line in between us..."this means we're separated now"..., those were the only words I heard before she calmly turned around and ran off into the distance, forever disappearing from my sight. Waking up in tears, caught between the realms of reality and surreality, my eyes opened...then closed again.