因网站改版更新,从9月1日零时起美国中文网将不再保留博客栏目,请各位博主自行做好备份,由此带来的不便我们深感歉意,同时欢迎 广大网友入驻新平台!
首先光是25以下的就佔了一半。90後的弟弟們也來湊熱鬧,碰碰運氣來結交同是90後的妹妹們。他們這群90後的3無民族,真的要來settle down嗎?不太可能吧。真是連本科念什麼major都還沒想好呢,已經開始琢磨婚姻問題?!
To: a116189 你曾经说:他们没有品位!It‘s their loss...we just need to find one person who can truly understand and appreciate us, I‘m sure he‘s out there somewhere!! :)
haha...i‘m already got rejected by a few men even before they know me. why? i don‘t know...lol..you are adorable too!!
To: crystalline8 你曾经说:haha...i‘m already got rejected by a few men even before they know me. why? i don‘t know...lol..you are adorable too!!
So true, so honest! Although I‘d be surprised if any guys would ignore your messages, you‘re very pretty!! I‘m sure you‘ll find the right one for you soon!
To: a116189 你曾经说:很靠谱..
To: milogemini 你曾经说:不是所有東西都是絕對的。像你爸爸媽媽這樣的也有,可是不佔多數。而這個年代因為衝動而結婚然後離婚的在大陸比較多。我這也是沖他們來的。而且我這個做姐姐的也是過來人,我也有過你們那個時候的思想,經歷。畢竟我是碰過釘子的人。而且得看看現在是什麼年代,我們不可以盲目的和他們年代單純的愛情比較,如果要比的話,以前大家14/15歲就結婚了,男方還要操辦所有的婚禮,現在呢?男女各一半也是正常的事。如果能夠在學生年代認識而結婚的那最好,這些我身邊也有不少。一旦出了社會再結交的愛情,就沒有你想象的那麼單純了。而且等你慢慢年紀大了,你思想會變成熟很多。你也更加能了解自己。所謂的知道自己要什麼,並不是說要什麼type的女孩,而是經過和一個人相處後,了解你自己的忍受磨合程度,這樣才是過日子的婚姻。很多戀愛都是因為在現實生活的柴米油鹽中而分開的。
With all respect to what you said, still different people have different backgrounds that may take them on different paths from others but that doesn‘t mean young people don‘t know what they are looking for. For me my parents got married when they were 23 and I‘ve never seen another couple who love, respect and support each other than they do.
To: a116189 你曾经说:You know...I feel like I‘m socially awkward towards some guys now...don‘t know how to interact with them anymore because it‘s been so long...haha. It‘s very nice to meet a nice, sweet, and genuine lady like you too! I love meeting people that shares the same thoughts!
Hey, I know right?! I‘ve just encountered someone who told me that he doesn‘t want a relationship and he just got out from one, with all respect but this show is supposed designed for people who are looking for their future husband/wife. If that‘s the case, it will be such a waste if time. I was sooooo disappointed when I found out but at least he‘s honest enough to be upfront about it when some o
To: dalu 你曾经说:I am glad that you can see it from a female‘s perspective!
Interestingly, as being a guy, I have same feelings as you mentioned there.
To: gimirzz 你曾经说:yeah. Statistically, girls are doing much better than guys, but still, some girls have that kinda issue.
Do you mean same feelings about the opposite sex? Like the girls don‘t care about interest/hobbies etc either?
To: dalu 你曾经说:Do you mean same feelings about the opposite sex? Like the girls don‘t care about interest/hobbies etc either?
Interestingly, as being a guy, I have same feelings as you mentioned there.
To: tinababy 你曾经说:Hey, I know right?! I‘ve just encountered someone who told me that he doesn‘t want a relationship and he just got out from one, with all respect but this show is supposed designed for people who are looking for their future husband/wife. If that‘s the case, it will be such a waste if time. I was sooooo disappointed when I found out but at least he‘s honest enough to be upfront about it when some of the people are flat out lying. Glad I can meet you here though. I guess I will meet some really nice female friends from this show at the end of the day. :-)
Girl...you totally read my mind and said exactly what I would have said! Seriously, I kinda of feel like this whole thing is comparable to a online dating website. Most of the time the fake@$$ photoshopped pictures pretty much determines everything...who cares about interest/hobbies....etc? I feel like over half the people aren‘t even serious about it; they just want to find a trophy girlfriend/bo
To: tinababy 你曾经说:Interestingly, as being a guy, I have same feelings as you mentioned there.
Girl...you totally read my mind and said exactly what I would have said! Seriously, I kinda of feel like this whole thing is comparable to a online dating website. Most of the time the fake@$$ photoshopped pictures pretty much determines everything...who cares about interest/hobbies....etc? I feel like over half the people aren‘t even serious about it; they just want to find a trophy girlfriend/bo