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分享 往前一步是幸福
2011-8-7 18:21
Life is all about moving on. I have to say that I am so glad I did what I did and recently I'm happier than ever! I thought it would be so hard to let go, but once you make the decision and go with it and STICK TO IT, there is really a whole new world! I thought that 3 years meant a lifetime to me, ...
4009 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 My everyday life thru iphone camera
2011-8-5 11:43
Just wanna share some random photos from my iphone: Shopping at saks fifth avenue. I got these Chanel sunglasses. LOVE!!! Myrtle Beach, SC. My 2 slaves Shopping at Bloomingdales...Love these Chanel sunglasses with bows on the side... Work day outfit I love this Armani Exchange dr ...
4441 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 Got a call from fcwr in china
2011-8-3 10:59
Just updating everyone...I got a call around midnight last night from a very strange number and decided to ignore it. Little did I know when I checked my voice mail, it was a staff member from fcwr in China. It was a phone number from China, so I called back and this guy told me he was calling a do ...
4373 次阅读|7 个评论
分享 Dates?
2011-7-29 10:36
I don't think I was ever a person to just go on random dates. It's been X long years since last time I was on a date with someone. I've been asked by a few nice guys to go with them recently, and I am really not sure how it's going to turn out. I don't like using the word date...it is better to c ...
3595 次阅读|6 个评论
分享 www.kiva.org and more
2011-7-27 01:01
Guys...I just registered for http://www.kiva.org/ and plan to lend some money out to those in need. I think it's important to help those less fortunate to better their lives while making our own more meaningful. It is a legitimate nonprofit org. and they even have a repayment schedule so you know e ...
3339 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 How about a white guy?
2011-7-26 10:03
So I went to a little bar/club type of thing last Friday night for my friend's bday party. I feel so old nowadays, I feel like going to the bar/club will probably take me days to recover lol (aching back/legs, and hangovers from like one beer). As I was sitting in my little corner like a little los ...
4434 次阅读|10 个评论
分享 郁闷
2011-7-20 01:43
以前我一直认为自己有的是青春,有一切的可能性,什么事都可以慢慢来。现在我却很后悔自己没有做的很多事,错过了很多美好的时光。24-5岁是个不大不小的年纪,我其实不是很满意自己的现状,觉得自己可以做得更多,更好。青春不段的过去,不段的进行,我真的很想把握现在的一切。却不知道自己该去做些什么,改变什么,该处 ...
2940 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 我有名星像?
2011-7-18 10:30
LOL...I have no clue what to write about lately so I'm just gonna share some fun pictures with you guys from this iphone app called MyCeleb. Enjoy!:
3588 次阅读|6 个评论
分享 8090的歌
2011-7-15 00:47
还记得莽撞少年 天真又无邪 站在十字路口等明天 理想与现实碰面 轻狂的誓言 总会等到幸福的请柬 现在我慢慢长大了 也会痛并快乐着 我唱起这首歌 你是否跟着和 这时代虽然无奈道理简单我不怕难 唱给那80的小孩 唱给那90的年代 谁给我青春的信赖 谁让我坚强勇敢 唱给那单纯的小孩 唱给那梦想的 ...
2279 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 These Hard Times
2011-7-13 14:54
Morning falls like rain Into the city life There goes another night Lose my breath in waves Knowing that every crash Is bleeding the hourglass And taking the stride From all our lives Everyone keeps talking They promise you everything They don't mean anything We may lose our focus There's just t ...
2343 次阅读|2 个评论

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