Just wanna share some random photos from my iphone:
Shopping at saks fifth avenue. I got these Chanel sunglasses. LOVE!!!
Myrtle Beach, SC. My 2 slaves
Shopping at Bloomingdales...Love these Chanel sunglasses with bows on the side...
Work day outfit
I love this Armani Exchange dress but it was $130 so I didn't take them home =(
Playing fetch with my beloved English Setter named Chasiu (Cha Shao)
This is supposed to be ME...can you tell? =)
My beloved dog Chasiu (Cha Shao)
Shopping at Leesburg Outlet
Boring accounting webinar at work
Being silly with my baby niece!
First time having deep fried condensed milk and I love it!!

I saw double rainbow on the way home from work!

Home cooked meal from a friend that warmed my heart
Can you see my frustration here?????
One of my favorite dishes...spicy beef
Our family dog...Chocolate...the Miniature Schnauzher
Late night happy hour at friend's karaoke bar
Another work day outfit...yes I love taking outfit photos and I have a personal style blog!
Taking Chocolate for a walk late at night and letting him lease free was a bad idea....