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已有 2124 次阅读2011-7-11 01:45 分享到微信



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回复 divinebaboon 2011-7-13 19:14
To: gimirzz 你曾经说:
‘possess the best of both worlds‘! I like that!!
Yeah the parents do say that but for my friends that do date outside of the Chinese pool.... Their parents eventually looked past that. I‘m just sort of frustrated with the limitations my parents imposed because of fundamental rights..... Lol
But I do suppose I would end up with someone that have a similar way of thinking and that

@gimirzz, 3 of a kind? lol I guess in Cali most of the Chinese are too white-washed xD
@tinababy, I‘m not telling you to go hunting or anything, just like, strike up harmless daily conversation with guys you find attractive. And if the guys around you are weird, find new people to surround yourself with. DC is big ain‘t it?
回复 gimirzz 2011-7-13 16:46
To: tinababy 你曾经说:
I totally feel the same!!! IT IS SO DARN HARD to find a man with the same value as me. They are either too Americanized or too Chinese, oh why can‘t they be like me and possess the best of both worlds! =( I‘ve never even thought about dating a guy of another ethnicity though...my parents will probably disown me. It is hard enough with a Chinese guy that can‘t speak Mandarin!
‘possess the best of both worlds‘! I like that!!
Yeah the parents do say that but for my friends that do date outside of the Chinese pool.... Their parents eventually looked past that. I‘m just sort of frustrated with the limitations my parents imposed because of fundamental rights..... Lol
But I do suppose I would end up with someone that have a similar way of thinking and that probably means he came from a similar background. I am just afraid I am too non-mainstream that I can‘t find a guy that I like and they will like me too....
Anyways, most Chinese Americans around me can speak Chinese at least poorly.... But not usually written..... I‘m surprised (all 3 of us) can write so well! We are 3 of a kind XD
回复 tinababy 2011-7-13 12:21
To: divinebaboon 你曾经说:
Maybe it‘s just my school but only about half of the Asian pop can be called “Americanized“. I‘m sure there are plenty good, balanced Chinese guys out there for you ladies. The easiest way to find better men though is through a change of location, but I‘d imagine both of you hold relatively stable jobs so moving is out of the question. Next up would be finding guys at the laundrymat, preferably o
don‘t get me wrong...I‘m not desperate to go boyfriend hunting or anything; at least not yet. I‘m more of a passive person. I‘m just sometimes frustrated to find that all the guys around me are all kind of weird, it makes me wonder...am I actually the one that‘s an odd ball?
回复 divinebaboon 2011-7-13 10:19
Maybe it‘s just my school but only about half of the Asian pop can be called “Americanized“. I‘m sure there are plenty good, balanced Chinese guys out there for you ladies. The easiest way to find better men though is through a change of location, but I‘d imagine both of you hold relatively stable jobs so moving is out of the question. Next up would be finding guys at the laundrymat, preferably one that‘s frequented by Asians. Also hit up the big name universities near your city, the graduate students are usually from china. I‘m only half kidding about the laundrymat btw. Keep on trying ladies, cuz there are definitely more guys like me out there :D
回复 tinababy 2011-7-13 02:19
To: gimirzz 你曾经说:
Sorry for butting in randomly.... But I agree.... (I‘m assuming ur bf is Chinese too?). It‘s so hard to find men with the same values as myself.... And even if they are asian..... Many are still too ‘americanized‘ that I‘d rather just go for a guy that‘s of another ethnicity....
I totally feel the same!!! IT IS SO DARN HARD to find a man with the same value as me. They are either too Americanized or too Chinese, oh why can‘t they be like me and possess the best of both worlds! =( I‘ve never even thought about dating a guy of another ethnicity though...my parents will probably disown me. It is hard enough with a Chinese guy that can‘t speak Mandarin!
回复 gimirzz 2011-7-12 15:19
Sorry for butting in randomly.... But I agree.... (I‘m assuming ur bf is Chinese too?). It‘s so hard to find men with the same values as myself.... And even if they are asian..... Many are still too ‘americanized‘ that I‘d rather just go for a guy that‘s of another ethnicity....
回复 tinababy 2011-7-12 09:49
Americanized, selfish, doesn‘t get along/communicate with my family because he can‘t speak Chinese. You know how Chinese people are family-oriented. He isn‘t.
回复 divinebaboon 2011-7-12 00:30


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