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Just Wanna...

已有 1633 次阅读2011-7-8 15:47 分享到微信

Everyone's posting about this TV show on Facebook; I've watched it on YouTube. Life's been kinda boring, so I just wanna try something fun =) Crossing my fingers for a free trip to China! LOL!


上一篇: 三年如屁






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回复 tinababy 2011-7-12 09:47
To: divinebaboon 你曾经说:
Lmao, I think the producers actually read these blogs and I wouldn‘t be surprised if they weed out ppl who are using them for plane tickets haha. Btw you should watch the 07/10 episode, it had really good moments.
LOL it‘s supposed to be a joke but I can see how people might take it seriously. Well my story is that...I came here when I was 7 years old and have been back to China the summer of my elementary school graduation and then the summer of my high school graduation. THAT WAS IT! Plus I‘ve never been anywhere in China except for my hometown. This summer, I‘ve saved enough vacation from work to go back for a trip but unfortunately and sadly the one that I was going to go with is no longer the one that I want to go with. I could care less about the free trip, and I am sure the experience is what counts. I don‘t even watch too much Chinese TV shows, except some entertainment shows on Hunan TV and then this dating show. I think it‘s meant to be that they will send me over to participate! muahahahahaha....-_-//
回复 divinebaboon 2011-7-12 00:27
Lmao, I think the producers actually read these blogs and I wouldn‘t be surprised if they weed out ppl who are using them for plane tickets haha. Btw you should watch the 07/10 episode, it had really good moments.


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