桑兰在诉状指控刘谢莫与众网友对她有多项诽谤,法官认为多系滥诉,大斧砍去,只允其中一项进入庭审。此项便是诉状宣称刘国生说过的一段话:“Sang lan is too lazy, can’t get a job. I helped her to get the job at the Star TV, through my connections with high rank Chinese government officials, but she lost the job later because she didn’t want to do any work.”(桑兰因为太懒,找不到工作,我通过我和政府高官的关系,帮助她在《星光卫视》谋到了一个职务,但是她丢失了这个职务,因为她不愿干活。)
In addition. another of K.S. Liu's statements--that "San Lan is so lazy. that she was trained to pee on her own, but she didn't [and] I had to use a tube to assist her to pee" -- also meets the requirement of libel per se. TAC ~ 70. This statement implies that, notwithstanding Plaintiff's paralysis, her need for assistance in micturating was due solely to sheer laziness. That such a statement might "expose [her] to hatred. contempt or aversion, or to induce an unsavory opinion of [her] in the minds of a substantial number of the community" goes without saying.