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![]() 薄熙来及妻子谷开来被中国当局调查后,在美国读书的儿子薄瓜瓜,去向成谜。美国《华尔街日报》报道,正在哈佛大学甘迺迪学院攻读公共政策硕士的薄瓜瓜,原订在五月大考后毕业,但最近一段时间无回校上课。哈佛大学拒绝评论薄瓜瓜的学业情况及学费来源。
路透社说,薄瓜瓜2007年在英国牛津大学读书期间,经常在宿舍开派对,更因为成绩欠佳,被停学12个月,数名中国外交官曾经到牛津大学,跟进他的学业进度。据一位「非常知情的人士」透露,一位官员带着另外两个身穿西装的男子来到学院。他们表示,处罚薄瓜瓜会让人难堪,因为中国非常重视教育,这会让他的父亲和祖父难堪。薄瓜瓜的辅导老师们回答说,如果是这样,就应该让他努力学习。薄瓜瓜最终以2.1的成绩(BBC注:相当于良好)从牛津毕业,令许多朋友感到惊讶。但是,贝利奥尔学院拒绝为薄瓜瓜前往美国哈佛大学攻读硕士学位提供推荐信。 |
Raf Sanchez, Boston, Jon Swaine in Washington and Matthew Holehouse
10:00PM BST 13 Apr 2012
Bo Guagua, the Harrow- and Oxford-educated son of Bo Xilai, was slipped out of his luxury flat near Harvard University late on Thursday night, in a pre-arranged pick-up by law-enforcement officers.
Wearing a dark jacket and pulling a roller suitcase, the 24-year-old, who was preparing for final exams of a postgraduate degree, was driven away in a dark SUV by a besuited officer wearing a badge.
"He did not look frightened, but he seemed anxious to go with them," a source told The Daily Telegraph. "He had clearly been expecting it". Mr Bo was accompanied by a female friend.
Speculation was mounting that the younger Mr Bo may have sought protection from American authorities. The FBI's Boston office declined to say if the man was one of their agents. It is understood that he was not from the local or university police departments.
He was picked up at about 10pm on Thursday, after his female friend told the doorman to expect a visitor and gave him an electronic key fob to let him into the underground car park. She is believed to have left later in Mr Bo's Porsche, after collecting more luggage.
redbee: 嗯,谢谢!我简单看了下,其实对这个奖我个人的感觉也是不大靠谱,可能是为了满足虚荣心吧。大家笑笑就是了。但是我反对因为薄的问题,对瓜瓜进行污蔑和人身攻击 ...
redbee: 这个链接我打不开呀。。。
ImYoona: 很有意思的问题。建议红蜜蜂查一下。参见
redbee: 瓜瓜倘若真的“成绩欠佳,被停学12个月”,那为什么2009年又被评为英国十大华人杰出青年呢?什么道理?