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一篇关于精品酒店的分析报告(c) – 秋子树翻译精品酒店 (5)

已有 3716 次阅读2011-12-7 22:22 |个人分类:商业翻译|系统分类:财经分享到微信

精品酒店的經營管理模式 Boutique hotels’ management models


Presently, the management models of international boutique hotels can be classified as the following types:

  1.大型酒店集團的精品酒店 Boutique hotels in large hotel groups


They refer to boutique hotel brands amid the serial brands under the world-famous hotels groups, such as Starwood’s W hotels, and IHG’s Indigo. Though some people query that W hotels still belong to boutique hotels in the pure meaning as each of them has several hundreds of guest rooms, it is undeniable that W hotels’ product development, market orientation and the management concept coincide with boutique hotels peculiarities. W hotels, positioning at youth and fashion, break traditional function layout and emphasize bringing individuality into play in the products’ forms and contents. Concerning design, the hotels not only pursue simple and chic aesthetics, but also blend with anti-traditional first-rate service ideas, overthrowing the past mass hotels. For instance, some W hotels’ lobbies are designed as living rooms, and the guests’ resting areas are designed in the center of the lobby, making guests feel at a friend’s home once when they arrive. Guest rooms in red and white colors, the capacious round queen-sized bed, the spherical space chairs, all these designs are full of breath of art and fashion. Since their debut in New York in 1998, W hotels have raised a current around the globe, and its brand has swiftly expanded. It is estimated that, by 2011, its scale will be three times of the present.

  2. 專業精品酒店集團 Professional boutique hotels group

指專門從事精品酒店產品開發與經營管理的酒店集團,具有代表性的是新加坡的悅榕度假酒店集團(Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts),酒店主要分佈於亞洲地區。悅榕集團定位開發和管理高級精品型度假市場,在產品與經營上強調亞洲傳統的文化理念和環保意識的融合,悅榕SPA成為品牌的核心產品。

 It refers to a hotels group specializing in boutique hotels’ development and management, a representative example is Singapore’s Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts, which has most of its hotels distributing in Asia. Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts orients developing and managing high class boutique resort market, and emphasizes blending Asia’s traditional cultural ideas with environmental consciousness in its products and management. Banyan Tree SPA now has become the core product of the brand.

新加坡的安曼集團(AMAN)同樣是一個追求特質的精品酒店集團,荷蘭裔印尼人阿德里安·紀卡(Adrian Zecha)1980年代創立了該品牌,酒店個個迷你精緻,或融入自然風光或置身歷史遺跡,選址非常獨到不凡,設計充滿地方文化元素。目前AMAN酒店已遍及法國、美國、摩洛哥、印度、菲律賓以及柬埔寨吳哥窟、泰國普吉島、印尼巴釐島等地。GHM是另一家成立於1992年的精品酒店管理公司GHM酒店分佈於東南亞許多國家的海邊或度假勝地,如巴釐島、清邁、普吉島、蘭卡威、會安,在阿曼和美國邁阿密、義大利米蘭也有其蹤跡

Singapore’s AMAN is also a boutique hotel group pursuing peculiarities. The brand was founded in 1980 by Adrian Zecha, a Dutch-born Indonesian. Every of its hotels is mini and exquisite, with a unique location which is merged with natural scenes or set in a historical site, and the design is full of locality’s cultural elements. Presently, AMAN’s hotels have extended all over France, USA, Morocco, India, the Philippines and Angkor Wat of Cambodia, Phuket Island of Thailand, and Bali Island of Indonesia. GHM, another boutique hotels management company founded in 1992, has its hotels spreading at the seaside or resorts of many countries in southeast Asia, such as Bali Island, Chiengmai, Phuket Island, Langkawi and Hoi An, as well as in Oman, Miami of USA and Milan of Italy.

  3. 單體獨立的精品酒店 Single and independent boutique hotels

從全球看,依靠集團化運作的精品酒店品牌發展優勢明顯,占據著越來越大的市場份額。然而,如果說滿足功能性消費的酒店產品通過複製更趨向形成產業集中模式的話,那麼迎合個性化消費的精品酒店存在的價值,就是為了滿足人們追求獨特、與眾不同的個性體驗需求。從這個意義上說,精品酒店市場存在著差異化發展的巨大空間。從現實看,一些點綴在城市、景區酒店群落中形形色色的精品酒店雖然在大眾視野中沒有得到充分關註,但因為其極富創意與個性色彩,讓衷情於此的消費者津津樂道。如上海新天地88城市精品酒店、北京的摩登四合院”(Cote Cour)、浙江湖州具異國風情的哥倫波城堡、杭州的富春山居等,都獨具特色、不同凡響。

Observing from a global view, brands of boutique hotels relying on the group’s operation have obvious development superiority, occupying an ever increasingly bigger market share. Nevertheless, if hotels satisfying functional consumption tend to form the model of industrial concentration through reproduction, then, the value of boutique hotels catering to individualized consumption is just to meet people’s demand for pursuing unique, distinctive personal experience. Saying from this meaning, the market of boutique hotels has a huge space in development of differentiation. In fact, though some boutique hotels dotting amid communities of hotels in cities or scenic spots have not been fully noted by masses, those consumers who love the extreme originality and the color of individuality take delight whenever talking about them. Such as 88 City Boutique Hotel in Shanghai’s Xintiandi, Cote Cour in Beijing, Gelunbo in Huzhou of Zhejiang Province, and Fuchun Resort Hotel in Hangzhou, all are unique and outstanding. (待续)







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