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一篇关于精品酒店的分析报告(a) – 秋子树翻译精品酒店 (5)

已有 3018 次阅读2011-12-6 01:24 |个人分类:商业翻译|系统分类:财经分享到微信

本分析报告为中文,出自MBA智库百科。作为练习和资料备查,现将其译成英文,分若干部分放在本博客。 什麼是精品酒店What Is a Boutique Hotel? 精品酒店是指位於大型商業圈內,配置一整套高標準硬體設施和酒店服務系統,聘請專業酒店服務公司經營和管理,為城市高端人群提供便捷、高尚和舒適生活居住的高尚物業。 A boutique hotel is a noble property situated inside a large-scale business circle; configured with a full set of high standard hardware facilities and hotel service system, operated and managed by a professional hotel service company, it offers the urban high-end crowd a convenient, speedy, lofty and comfortable living. 精品酒店的由來The Origin of Boutique Hotels 法語單詞“Boutique”原本僅指巴黎那些轉手奢侈品的精品店20世紀80年代中期西方飯店顧客的個性化消費趨勢導致了“Boutique Hotel”的出現人們普遍認為1984Ian Schrager在美國紐約麥迪遜大街開辦的Morgans精品小飯店是精品酒店的鼻祖 The French word boutique” originally refers those boutiques in Pairs selling luxuries they have bought. Boutique hotels were brought about in the mid of the 80s of the 20th century by the consumption trend of individualization of customers in the western countries’ hotels. It is widely believed that, Ian Schrager, who opened Morgans in Madison Ave in New York in 1984, is the founder of boutique hotels. 精品酒店一詞是從開發商伊恩·施拉格(IAN SCHRAGER)和他的合作伙伴史蒂夫·魯貝爾(STEVE RUBLL)在將一個小樓摩根斯(MORGANS)改建成一個高檔酒店時得來的。Boutique,以最準確、最全面的《英漢大詞典》為參照,其譯意為較小的婦女服飾店、珠寶飾物,它與酒店原是風馬牛不相及的一個單詞,因此Boutique HotelBoutique一詞的意思可理解為小、時尚或與時尚、潮流緊密聯繫的。著名飯店專家梅厄·勒斯(Mayer Rus)在權威的HOTELS雜誌上撰文對Boutique Hotel作了本質性的詮釋。美國精品酒店的管理泰斗依恩·施拉格一針見血地提出:精品酒店僅指那種具有一個鮮明的與眾不同的文化理念內涵的酒店。這種酒店的起緣是由歐美專門設計豪宅的專家們設計的 The phrase of boutique hotel is originated from the transformation of Morgans, a small building, into a top grade hotel by the property developer IAN SCHRAGER and his partner STEVE RUBLL. Boutique, after consulting the most correct and most comprehensive English-Chinese Grand Dictionary, we get the meaning of “a rather small women’s shop, selling apparel, gems and jewelry”; it’s a word originally has nothing to do with hotels. The present meaning of boutique in “boutique hotel” can be interpreted as small, fashionable or something closely related with vogue and trend. Mayer Rus, a famous expert on hotels, once made an annotation on the essentials of a boutique hotel in his article on the authoritative magazine of HOTELS. Ian Schrager, the leading authority on management of American boutique hotels points out straightly that, originated from the design by European and American experts who exclusively design mansions, boutique hotels exclusively refer to that kind of hotels possessing distinctive, unusual connotations of cultural ideas. 所謂精品酒店,是指那些具有濃郁的當地的文化特色和獨特歷史記憶的酒店,這個概念源於歐洲的1970年代,最近幾年才被引入中國。相對於連鎖形式的星級酒店,精品酒店就像汽車中的保時捷,昂貴而個性十足,同時很多精品酒店本身就是由歷史保護建築改建而來,就像一個小型博物館,入住不啻為一次充滿驚喜的旅程。同時,因精品酒店規模小,客房少(客房數量一般不超過100),因而可能實現一對一的管家式服務。這也是部分高級精品酒店價格昂貴的原因所在。 What we call boutique hotels refer to those hotels with full-bodied local cultural characteristics and unique historical memories. The concept originated from the 1970s in Europe and has been imported to China in recent years. Comparing to the franchised starred hotels, boutique hotels are like Porsche among automobiles, expensive and full of individuality. Besides, many of boutique hotels themselves are rebuilt out of heritage protected architectures, which are like small-sized museums and offer more surprises than expected to the journey. In addition, as boutique hotels are small in scale with fewer guest rooms (usually not exceeding 100 in number), they can carry out one to one “steward service”. This is the reason why some high class boutique hotels are expensive in price. 精品酒店的特質Boutique Hotels’ Peculiarities   1.市場定位高端 High-end market positioning 精品酒店的資源特點決定了其目標客戶必然是具有殷實經濟基礎的高端消費群體。2003年,美國精品酒店的客房數量占整個行業的1%,總收入卻占整個行業的3%。入住率、平均房價及Revpar(單房產值)也都高於全服務酒店。20075月,法國雅高酒店集團管理的上海璞邸精品酒店開業,最便宜的房價為人民幣4680/夜,被稱為當時上海房價最貴的酒店。  The featured resources of boutique hotels decide that their target customers inevitably are high-end consumption groups with a rich economic basis. In 2003, while the number of guest rooms in USA’s boutique hotels only accounted 1% of the whole industry, yet its total revenue accounted 3% in the total industry. And the occupancy rate, average guest room rate and Revpar (revenue per available room) were also higher than those of all-service hotels. In May 2007, Pudi Boutique Hotel-Shanghai managed by French Accor Hotel Group was opened; with the most inexpensive rate as RMB4,680/night, it was then called the hotel with the most expensive room rate in Shanghai.   2. 規模精小別緻 Exquisitely small and chic in size 正如精品酒店創始人之一的Ian Schrager所說,如果將各色的集團酒店比作百貨商場的話,那麼精品酒店就是專門出售某類精品的小型專業商店了。 精品酒店一般規模不大,客房資源比較有限,很多酒店客房數量只有幾十間,但客房面積寬敞。酒店的附加設施較為簡單。由於規模精緻,接待流量有限,使服務和消費的私密性強精品酒店這一特點,是許多社會名流顯貴選擇入住的最重要的原因。  Just as Ian Schrager, one of the founders of boutique hotels, once said, “If the various kinds of group hotels are compared with department stores, then boutique hotels are small sized special stores selling a certain kind of choice goods.” Usually boutiques hotels are not big in size with  comparatively limited room resources, many of them have only several tens of guest rooms, yet the space of each room is very capacious. The hotels’ adjunct facilities are rather simple. Their exquisiteness in scope with limited reception flow has strengthened the privacy of services and consumption, which is the key reason why lots of socialites and moguls check in.   3. 服務體貼入微 Extremely considerate services 為高端客人提供定製化、個性化與人性化的服務是精品酒店的追求。因此,精品酒店的員工數與客房數的比例常會達到3∶1,甚至5∶1,遠高於一般的五星級酒店。精品酒店在服務理念和服務方式上的體貼入微,起源於英國皇室的貼身管家式服務。專職管家能最大限度地滿足客人個性化的需求,親切、殷勤、真誠、專屬的服務能讓客人流連忘返、再次下榻,成為酒店的忠誠賓客。 It is boutique hotels’ pursuit to offer high-end guests custom-made, personalized and humanity services. Therefore, the ratio of the number of employees of a boutique hotel will usually reach 3:1 or even 5:1 to that of guest rooms, much higher than that of a five-starred hotel. Boutique hotels’ extreme consideration in both the service idea and service mode originates from Britain’s royal families’ “butler service”. Professional butlers can up to the hilt meet guests’ demand for individualization; cordial, eagerly attentive, sincere and exclusive service can retain guests and make them come back again, become loyal customers of the hotel. W酒店推出品牌招牌式的隨時/隨需專人禮賓服務的宗旨就是最大限度地滿足每位客人的任何合理需求。W酒店推出的燭光服務,在每晚9點左右,會由客房管家將一個薰衣草枕頭、一個眼罩和一瓶薰衣草精油送到客人房間內。在提供的安眠枕菜單中包括三種枕頭,任顧客選擇,加上配置在床墊上的鬆軟羽絨被,可以讓客人體驗到睡在雲端的感覺。 For instance, the purpose of the brand’s signboard-styled “whatever/whenever” which promises to offer special-assigned hospitality service is to meet each of guests’ any reasonable request in maximum. In the “candlelight service” promoted by W Hotels, around 9:00 pm every night, the steward will send to the guest room a lavender pillow, an eye patch and a bottle of lavender essence. The offered “menu of peaceful sleep pillows” includes three kinds of pillow for guests’ choice, letting guests experience the feeling of “sleeping above clouds” adding the fluffy goose-down duvet matched with the mattress.   4. 設計風格獨特 Unique in Design Style 精品酒店首先要有鮮明的個性形象。其設計體現在以下幾個方面: First of all, a boutique hotel should have a distinctive image of individuality. Its design is embodied in the following aspects: ·                            (1) 建築與室內設計。世界上許多著名的精品酒店都出自名家的傑作,榮獲各種國際設計獎項。如W酒店品牌以前衛、時尚、大膽和極具創新的設計聞名,芝加哥、馬爾地夫、西雅圖、首爾等地的W酒店成為當地地標性的酒店建築;GHM提出“A Style To Remember”的口號,以追求沉穩、典雅、質朴而具有內涵的設計風格而獨樹一幟;北京長城腳下的公社酒店,彙集了亞洲12位頂級建築師設計,建築屢獲世界大獎。Architecture and interior design. Many of the world-famous boutique hotels are masterpieces out of noted designers who have won various kinds of international design awards. Take the brand of W Hotels for instance, it is known for its design of vanguard, vogue, bravery with extreme innovations, W Hotels in Chicago, Maldives, Seattle, Seoul and etc. have become the locality’s landmark of hotel architectures. With the catchword of “A Style To Remember”, GHM is outstanding in the industry by pursuing a design style of steadiness, elegance, rusticity with connotation. Commune Hotels at the foot of the Great Wall gathers 12 top architects in Asia to design its architectures which have repeatedly won the international awards. ·                            (2) 環境佈置。為了充分營造藝術氛圍,精品酒店的設計還延伸到室內環境佈置。如巴黎的加利福尼亞酒店,從大堂、電梯、餐廳到客房樓層,展示著4200多件油畫、雕塑藝術真品,眾多藝術品把酒店佈置成了美術館Environmental decorating. In order to create an artistic atmosphere, a boutique hotel’s design extends to the interior’s environmental decorating. Take California Hotel in Paris for example, more than 4,200 pieces of genuine oil paintings and sculptures are displayed from the lobby, the elevators, the restaurants to each of the guest rooms, having arranged the hotel as an “art gallery”. ·                            (3) 客用品設計。一些精品酒店的客用品,小到咖啡杯、筆、客房小鬧鐘都是極具設計感的工藝品,常令賓客愛不釋手。 Design of articles for guest use. Articles for guest use in some boutique hotels, from as small as coffee mugs, pens, and the guest room’s little alarm clock, are artworks with an extreme design sense, making guests fondle admiringly. ·                            (4) 設計理念與風格。精品酒店的設計理念中蘊涵著濃郁的地方文化特色或當地歷史元素,有人稱精品酒店是看得見歷史的房間 Design ideas and styles. Boutique hotels’ design ideas contain intense folk culture characteristics or locality’s historical elements. Some people call boutique hotels as “rooms where history can be seen”.   5. 時尚與創新 Fashion and innovation 作為定位高端的服務產品,精品酒店既迎合了市場由大眾化消費向個性化、體驗型消費變換的潮流,同時也引導了一種新的時尚消費方式。正如W酒店所自我宣揚的:W不止是一個酒店品牌,而是一個標誌性的生活時尚,為客人們提供前所未有的獨特體驗。精品酒店的時尚與創新體現在環境、設施、服務、經營方式等各個方面,包括運用新科技增加服務產品的含金量,提高賓客舒適度與獨特體驗的感受。如一些精品酒店客房內設置不同的燈光模式,客房內配有觸屏式IP電話、客房送餐電子點菜單、DVD客房影院系統等等。 As service products with high-end positioning, boutique hotels not only cater to the trend that the market changes from mass consumption to the individualized and experiencing consumption, but also pilot a new chic consumption pattern. As W Hotels has self advertised that, W is not only a hotel brand, but also is a symbolic life vogue, offering guests unprecedented unique experience. Boutique hotels’ vogue and innovations are embodied in the various aspects of environment, facilities, services, and business practice, including usage of new technologies to aggrandize fineness of the service products, enhance guests’ comfort level and feeling of unique experience. For instance, some boutique hotels deploy in their guest rooms different light modes, with touch-panel IP phone, E-menu for room delivery, DVD room-cinema system, and etc. equipped in guest rooms.   6. 經營專業運作 Professional management 精品酒店採用資源外包策略,即專門從事與自身能力相匹配的業務,儘可能以外包形式剝離非關鍵的生產經營環節,使有限的資源用於經營中的核心環節 -- 客房產品上,將客房收入作為酒店利潤最主要的來源。如W酒店就是通過餐飲的外包專註於客房經營。  Adopting the strategy of “resource outsourcing”, boutique hotels exclusively engage in businesses which match their own abilities, striving for stripping non-key links of production and operation with the form of “outsourcing”, using the limited sources in the core taches of operation – guest rooms, and taking the revenue from guest rooms as the principal source. For instance, W Hotels concentrate on guest room operation through outsourcing its catering.(待续)







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