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菲利浦 斯塔克,精品酒店设计的创始者 – 秋子树翻译精品酒店(4)

已有 1995 次阅读2011-12-3 11:07 分享到微信

Philippe Starck is an internationally acclaimed designer whose hotel, residential, and furniture designs have become 21st century icons throughout the world.

菲利浦 斯塔克是国际著名的设计师,其酒店、住宅、家具设计已成为世界各地的21世纪图标。

    He was born in Paris in 1949. Inspired by his father, who worked as an aircraft designer, Starck spent his childhood under his father's drawing boards, sawing, cutting, gluing, and sanding, dismantling bikes, motorcycles and other objects.

        1949年出生于巴黎。他的灵感来源于他的父亲 -- 一位飞机设计师。他在父亲的绘画板下度过了他的童年,锯切,粘合,打磨,拆卸脚踏车,摩托车和其他物件。

Starck's career started to climb in earnest in 1982 when he designed the interior for the private apartments of the French President François Mitterrand.

1982年,斯塔克为前法国总统 弗朗索瓦 密特朗的公寓做室内设计。自此,他的事业便芝麻开花,节节走高。

Unlike most other New Design artists, Starck's work does not concentrate on the creation of provocative and expensive single pieces. Instead, his product designs are of usable household items which Starck himself helps to market for mass production. His products and furnishings are often stylized, streamlined and organic in their look and are also constructed using unusual combinations of materials (such as glass and stone, plastic and aluminum, plush fabric and chrome, etc.).

与大多数新设计艺术家不同,斯塔克不专注于创作挑逗的、昂贵的单件作品,相反,他的设计面向实用的日常物件,并促使其大量生产。他的产品和室内陈设设计看起来通常是风格化、流线型和有机的, 并通过物质的不同寻常组合制成(比如玻璃与石头,塑料与铝,长毛绒织物与铬合金, 等等)

Hotel interiors酒店室内设计

In 1988, Starck was commissioned by famed nightclub impresario Ian Schrager, former co-owner of Studio 54, to refit the Royalton Hotel on New York's West 44th Street. It was a design moment that has since changed the hotel industry; boutique hotels, where hotel design is an important factor, became the industry buzz. However the Schrager hotels are also known for their celebrity and publicity orientations that attract attention to the hotels.

1988年,斯塔克受著名的夜总会经理人、前Studio 54的共有人伊恩 施拉格的委托,整修位于纽约44街的美仑大酒店。这是一项改变酒店业的设计。自此,精品酒店,其中,酒店设计为不可或缺要素,成为行业热议。当然,除出彩的设计之外,施拉格酒店还以其名人云集和大张旗鼓的宣传而出名。

The look and feel of Starck-Schrager hotels has been highly influential, including the approaches at Starwood's W hotels.

受斯塔克-施拉格酒店的外观和感觉的影响,喜达屋国际酒店集团推出了W酒店。 http://www.starwoodhotels.com/whotels/index.html?PS=AP_MEC_W-Hotel_google_Broad_w%20hotels

Starck also designed Jia, the first Philippe Starck-designed boutique hotel in Asia.

斯塔克还设计了香港Jia精品酒店, 这是他在亚洲设计的第一个精品酒店。


From 2007 until 2022, Starck is under an exclusive contract with nightclub mogul Sam Nazarian to design Nazarian's new hotel brand, SLS Hotels.

斯塔克与夜总会显要人物山姆 纳扎里安订了合同,2007年到2022年,斯塔克将独家为后者的新酒店品牌—SLS 酒店进行设计。









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