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“No-frills chic” means low cost goods and services that add design, third-party high quality elements and/or exceptional customer service to create quality experiences at bottom prices. In true IKEA style the "cheap but chic” is becoming quite a popular trend, as it provides “excellence” in a convenient and cost-effective package.
No-frills chic is a new consumer trend that is going to deeply affect the hotel industry, by shifting consumer expectations and changing the traditional segmentations in which marketeers try to squeeze - with decreasing success - the modern travelers. When it comes to hospitality, the concept is very well represented by a wave of new hotel companies that promise to (finally) bring some real innovation to the industry by combining style with budget, mixing the chic with affordable rates.
无虚饰的时髦是一种新的消费潮流,它将通过改变消费预期、变革传统的市场细分,深刻地影响酒店业;在传统的市场细分里,经商者设法挤压 – 日益难遂其愿 – 现代旅行者。无虚饰时髦的概念体现在酒店业方面,就是一批新的酒店企业承诺(终于),结合时尚和廉价,溶合时髦和普及型消费,给酒店业带来某种真正的革新。
No-frill chic hotels want to appeal to both budget consumers who will love to experience some extra chic at no extra costs, and to the more demanding travelers who are ready to welcome a non-traditional concept of luxury and service. The spectrum is indeed quite wide, and ranges from the core "no-frills/back to the basics" model (very close to the low-cost airlines concept) to a more chic level, where also the sophisticated designing-minded types and the business travelers can feel comfortably cocooned by stylish architectural details.
Why is no-frill chic important? Because it appeals to a very wide range of potential customers, in a contemporary way, far beyond the traditional revenue-management and socio-demographic clusters in which many hotel-chains seem to be stuck...more and more removed from the blurred boundaries of the post-modern society where high income and a taste for luxury goods do not necessary overlap anymore.
Who is addressing the needs of the 35-years old manager who books his travel on the internet, dislikes boring, expensive corporate hotels and looks for a hassle-free wifi connection and free-movies within a sociable, not stiffed atmosphere?
Who's talking to the young trendy couple who will recognize the iconic piece of furniture in the room, and still be happy to have some money left from the hotel-bill to go and spend it at the closer sushi restaurant?
Who's attracting back the growing audience of chic B&Bs and rented apartments, often located in the very city centres, that welcome you in an informal yet cozy and friendly environment, surprise you with some unexpected architectural details, and let you walk in the quiet lobby with you wifi connection on, all at very reasonable prices?
And no-frill chic is important because new service standards for reasonably priced-room are being set: most of the mentioned hotel companies offer wi-fi, rain-shower, flat-screen tv at no extra-cost. All of them are very straightforward in using their websites to clearly explain what to expect from your room and your next stay. All of them seem to be run by modern travelers, with modern travelers in mind.
无虚饰时髦是重要的,因为有它就有了新的服务标准,而房价合理: 所提到的大多数酒店企业提供无线上网,淋浴,平板电视,而无需另外付费。借助于其网站,这类酒店清晰地向你解释房间里提供的设施以及你的下一次逗留,一切是那样的直截了当。这一切似乎都由一批将现代旅行者装在心里的现代旅行者在经营着。
To: 今又是 你曾经说:如饮醍醐般爽快!
To: 秋子树 你曾经说:我知道你在说什么。有很多属于个人思考和实践的东西,拿出来是要有心气和肚量的。你以为我会喜欢看四平八稳的东西的啊?写个东西没有错别字,不犯所谓语法错误,小学五年级的思路和要求,咱们不去烦那种堵死心眼的破事。哪能有什么了不起的大错。放开脚丫子进步就是了。管他呢。活着还累。哈哈哈。