The reception for my previous one seemed very..... 就像石头掉进水里连点浪花都没溅起来 (是有这样说法的吧...) 所以再接再力, 这个可是让我笑了很久的,希望没有太多人听过: J和K两人过马路 J没等绿灯亮就急着走了 K在后面喊:“灯!等灯等灯!” J回头:“你以为你是Intel啊!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :D ...
从朋友那儿得来这个joke, 很搞笑哦~ Newton, Pascal, and Einstein are playing hide-and-go-seek in heaven. Einstein closes his eyes and starts counting. Pascal goes and hides behind a cloud. Newton stays where he is, and draws a 1 m x 1 m square on the floor around him. Einstein finishes counting and ...
要开始写blog了吗? 虽然我每天发生的事情都很普通,但是普通的过完每一天 is something that I can appreciate and be thankful for now ~ And if anything ordinary or extraordinary happens I'll be sure to share it 所以欢迎来到我的世界 :)