分享 Hadanomy Collagen Mist from Sana
janice 2011-8-24 16:26
I reviewed the Hadanomy Collagen Mist from Sana a while ago and I really love it (and have used up a bottle by now) so I definitely wanted to try their summer LE in a lemon fragrance! I think the mist is the same, they just filled it into a cute heart-shaped bottle and added a real ...
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分享 生活的細膩情節
janice 2011-8-24 16:23
每個人都有關於愛情的想像,在有情人眼裡,繽紛的世界到 處都有可以表徵愛情的東西。然而,可能一切都不如意念中 的美好,情場的本質,有可能旖旎得讓你忘乎所以,也可能 殘酷得讓你大跌眼鏡。那麼,你的情場到底是何番景象? 一粒沙裡有一個世界,一朵花裡有一個天堂,當你的目光落 在手機上,我的祝福就被你收藏 ...
1521 次阅读|1 个评论

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