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Addressed to President Bush

已有 1671 次阅读2009-1-22 09:22 |系统分类:杂谈分享到微信

Dear President Bush:
     At the end of eight years of serving your time, please accept an ordinary person on the other side of the ocean you and your team and your loved ones to pay tribute.
     Four years ago, in your re-election vote results statistics critical moment, the wife is the kitchen cooking manual labor to lay down their point of view live television program. A little concerned about the current politics of women in Chinese families are so concerned about the U.S. presidential election, marking the U.S. presidential election in the world a tremendous impact.
     During your term of office, the United States faced an unprecedented challenge, but you and your team led demonstrated by maintaining the values of the firm belief and a strong patriotic spirit, as well as the cause of human justice tireless efforts have given the world to stay with a deep impression. Your humor, generosity has won the respect of many people. It will be with the historical judgments, the United States 43rd President of the records of human civilization must be a brilliant.
    Because your country and to you as the representative of all efforts, we are optimistic to believe that freedom and democracy will be a brilliant shine everywhere around the world. Someday, we will work with the American people as the best to elect their own leadership team and use it as proud.
     I wish you health and happiness, wish to God bless you and your loved ones and friends.
                                           An ordinary Chinese people







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