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热度 4已有 3934 次阅读2012-10-6 17:58 | athlete, 大棚, landing, person, meters 分享到微信

据礁石网友博客, 起诉书有好几十页。但他给的链接打不开, 只能看到他博客中拷贝的33~36条。


徐通过这几条, 陈述了桑受伤经过。我没看见起诉书后部是否附有参考书目,所以无从知道徐是否给出各项所述‘事实’的出处。 比如徐说, ‘罗马尼亚教练某日说某话,’ 这个根据何在? 我们等着看起诉书全文。如果没有引用出处, 徐和桑自己无论说什么, 其效果等于我空口无凭说佛法官欠我20万元。  又说桑的某个动作‘完美无缺’, 这种形容词, 徐桑都没有资格说。完美不完美, 自己说了不算。 看到这个动作的最后结果, 听者也会觉得可笑。


但既然此次点名指出罗教练影响造成她受伤,却放过他不起诉, 这又让人费解。 唯一的合理解释, 就是桑黄知道纠缠个人,费力不讨好,没有什么油水可捞。从策略上讲, 不起诉罗教练,是明智的。但同时给公众留下一个恶劣的印象:桑黄不是真想追求公道,而是想讹大户敲钱。 因为法律的公道, 说的是冤有头债有主。放着肇事者不去追究, 反而赖上无辜。


因为, 运动会主办者不是时代华纳, 而是今天已经不复存在的友好运动会公司。无论它还是否存在, 无论它是否当时是时代华纳的全资子公司,只要它是独立法人, 法律上, 它作为主办者的责任, 已经完全终结在时代华纳门外。

据礁石转述(我没看到原文), 徐声称时代华纳从举办运动会中获得商业利益。这句话有两个重大问题。一个是如上所说的事实错误:这运动会不是时代华纳举办的;第二个是,徐没能举证,说明时代华纳获得了什么商业利益。徐可查过时代华纳的账本?没有证据,怎么能做断语?


对刘谢的指控内容, 有哪位网友好心给贴上来?

有趣的是,这回莫虎再次成为被告。 不用刘谢付费或动员, 莫虎必然自卫反击。真不知桑黄徐怎么想的, 没事招惹一个专业律师干什么。



33. Ahead, one Romanian athlete was finishing her jump. The Romanian girl left the vault area. Briefly stopping to focus on her routine and breathe in a few times, Sang Lan took off. As she ran on the runway in high speed and a few meters away from the vault horse, a person unexpectedly appeared in the landing area and began pulling away the mattresses. The momentum, the speed and proximity were such that she was unable to stop the routine.

34. Distracted by the unanticipated intrusion, Sang Lan was unable to adjust herself properly.  She landed directly on her head, breaking and dislocating two neck vertebrae.

35. The person who caused the distraction reached Sang Lan first because he was pulling the mattress from the landing zone. He was later identified as Octavian Belu, the Romanian team coach. He was interviewed on July 23, 1998 after the accident and admitted that he was near the vault horse at the time of the accident.

36. According to Mr. Belu, one of the Romanian athletes finished a warm up jump. The Romanian’s jump was not difficult and thus required an extra layer of 3-5 inch mattress. Earlier, the Romanian coach saw Sang Lan finishing a perfect Layout Cuervo jump. Belu thought Sang Lan would not need the extra layer of mattresses for her jump. Belu went to the landing area near the vault to pull away the mattress. Tragically, he did not realize that Sang Lan was already near the vault horse in full speed, as he came near the landing zone and pulled away the mattress.







发表评论 评论 (7 个评论)

回复 再来看戏 2012-10-7 22:00
回复 广告 2012-10-7 02:18
我就是局部地区个别人:    徐是这么写的???
我虽然不是从事法律工作的,但起码我也知道徐这么写完全是在臆造啊。美国律证剧里每逢有律师在毫无根据的引导证人时,对方律师马上 ...
再次证明, 徐大棚是个吹牛忽悠却没真货的末流货。

打官司最忌讳的外行错误, 他一小段里能犯两个:

speculation and conjecture.


要是凭这个也能告状, 那特纳李嘉诚早就赔光破产120次了 。这话我都说过N次。

我等着网友贴出诉状的其他部分, 好一样一样撕破嘲笑徐大棚。

而且准备把全文转给现任罗马尼亚体操队主教练的那个Bellu,好心告诉他:“有个棚户律师, 说你是造成桑受伤的罪魁祸首。”  然后等着看他是头都不转过来,还是跟桑徐急。

回复 我就是局部地区个别人 2012-10-6 23:38
广告: 和桑黄凑一起的人, 必须要脸皮厚, 不怕别人耻笑

他原话是, "(在此前,) 罗教练看到桑完成了一个完美的....动作." 即事故前的一个热身跳。

徐如何知 ...

回复 广告 2012-10-6 22:07
我就是局部地区个别人: 徐晓冰居然说了桑兰的“某个动作”是“完美无缺的”???那只有助跑是完美无缺的了。
如果起跳还完美无缺,那就说明没受到什么干扰;如果空中动作是完美无缺的 ...
和桑黄凑一起的人, 必须要脸皮厚, 不怕别人耻笑

他原话是, "(在此前,) 罗教练看到桑完成了一个完美的....动作." 即事故前的一个热身跳。



徐不嫌丢人, 居然把自己的凭空想象写进起诉书:“Belu thought Sang Lan would not need the extra layer of mattresses for her jump. ” (教练以为桑不需要。。垫子)


再看这句话: The Romanian’s jump was not difficult and thus required an extra layer of 3-5 inch mattress.

(前面那个罗马尼亚运动员跳马动作不难, 所以需要多几英寸的垫子)

谁能看懂这话的逻辑?不难的动作, 需要更多的垫子。 难的反而不需要?


有这样愚蠢而自以为是的律师, 桑黄有福了。
回复 我就是局部地区个别人 2012-10-6 21:49
回复 广告 2012-10-6 19:13
礁石: 徐声称时代华纳从举办运动会中获得商业利益,并负有责任的有关段落:

23. Although it was touted as an attempt by a well-wishing private citizen to ease t ...
徐大棚纯属扯淡, 这幅混帐不讲理的德行快赶上海明了。

23到25条, 被告只要回一句"Irrelevant", 就足以打发桑徐回姥姥家了。像23条里说的, 运动会的主要目的是扩大收视和收入。这句话只会让人耻笑: 那是你徐大棚的个人看法。 而你徐又算个P啊。

第26条,被告只要说,”你说我是赞助发起组织者, 我就是啊?“ 就足以打发桑徐回姥姥家了。

桑受伤, 和时代华纳有个毛的关系啊。

接着告, 希望徐多花时间精力在桑黄身上。

花少了, 我们不答应。
回复 礁石 2012-10-6 19:00

23. Although it was touted as an attempt by a well-wishing private citizen to ease tensions during the Cold War through friendly athletic competition between nations, the main goals manifested by Turner and his companies were to create a TV event. The Games’ main focus was always on television broadcasting events or revenues. The competition was broadcast live with recording devices from strategic angles at the competition floor or arena. U.S. television audiences had access to more than 129 hours of television coverage via TBS and syndicated stations. Viewed in 66 countries, almost 200 hours of competition and ceremonies programming were made available to world broadcasters. Time Warner claimed that it has an audience of more than 482 million TV households. Worldwide attention focused on the Games' competition as 81 countries televised the Games, and more than 1,100 journalists from nearly 30 countries covered the event. TBS’s cable-exclusive telecast reached more than 45 million homes in the United States.

24. The Games lasted generally 16 days and consisted mostly of summer sports, with a few winter sports, including figure skating. The US Gymnastics Federation sanctioned the meet organized by Time Warner.

25. At all times relevant, Time Warner and its affiliated company invited athletes by their ranking in the world competitions to the Goodwill Games and were responsible for selecting the equipment, the vault and the stadium for the event, and supervised the competition floor for the 1998 Goodwill Games.

26. As the sponsor and organizer of the Games, Time Warner had a legal duty to provide reasonably safe equipment and duty to provide a reasonably safe environment for the world’s best athletes to compete safely, free from distraction and interference.


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