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徐律师沉不住气了, 呵呵

热度 7已有 3064 次阅读2012-3-7 00:11 分享到微信



A) 我们都笑话徐律师张罗和解会议,是瞎耽误时间,浪费客户桑黄的钱。徐为了打消黄的疑虑,搬出法律条文,说那是规定程序,好把这事给糊弄过去。


B) 罗女士声嘶力竭隔空对黄喊话,干扰破坏了徐黄之间的信任关系。黄质问徐:‘这女的是怎么回事?’  徐只好发表这个声明与罗的言论划清界限,把介绍人/朋友罗女士晾在了阳台上。













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回复 zoebb88 2012-3-7 03:58
Media Inquiry 媒体询问 (2012-02-07 01:38:35)

Inquirer or Reporter (name withheld to protect confidential information where appropriate)
February 6, 2012

Re: Media Inquiry

Case No:
SANG LAN v. Time Warner, et al 11-cv-2870LBS

Dear inquirer or reporter:
I represent Sang Lan in the above mentioned case. Thank you for your courtesy and continued support of Sang Lan and the cause she represents. 本人是桑兰以上案件的代表律师。感谢您给予本事务所的礼遇和对桑兰女士以及她代表的伤残人士事业的支持。
In response to your questions regarding the Sang Lan case, in general, it is the Firm’s policy not to comment on pending litigation. Any questions regarding our client’s motives, goals or decisions in her case or related to representation of our client are subject to Attorney Client confidentiality rule [NYRPC 1.6] and rules concerning publicity on pending litigation [NYRPC 3.6]. Therefore, as much as I like to discuss with you on the specifics of the case, the rules discourage our comments. 关于桑兰案件的问题,事务所规定是不对正在审理的案件作评论。涉及客户的动机,目标,和决定以及代理事务受律师客户保密义务和案件公开报道的有关规定限制,见[NYRPC 1.6] [NYRPC 3.6]。尽管本人愿意与您探讨案情,但是规则不允许。
Concerns or questions about this case will be or have already been answered by the parties’ pleadings filed in court, which is part of the public record. You may need to seek the advice of a competent lawyer in understanding these legal documents since they are governed by pertinent rule and procedures and involve complex issues. 其实,对案件的关注,应该可以在各方当事人向法院提交的公开的文件找到答案。由于这些法律文件涉及多项法律规则,案情相对复杂,可能需要寻求职业律师协助您解读这些法律文件。
Currently, the Honorable Judge Francis, pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, requested this settlement conference. This is a normal procedure because the magistrate judge has an interest to see civil disputes resolve at an early stage to save the parties and the court costs of litigations. The settlement is a part of the litigation process and is encouraged by the courts. As a routine practice, the judge ask the plaintiff’s counsel to coordinate the scheduling of this conference with opposing parties. I suggest reading Rule 16 and 26 and local rules to help you understand why and how Honorable Judge Francis ordered the parties to attend a settlement conference. 法兰西斯法官根据联邦民事诉讼法规定要求召开民事和解会议,这是正常的法院程序。法官希望在诉讼初期尽量解决民事纠纷,为当事人和法院节省资源。民事纠纷 和解是诉讼程序的一部分,法院鼓励和解。法院例行办事方式是请求原告律师就和解会议的时间与各方进行协调。建议您阅读规则16和26条,Local Civil Rule 83.9,方便您理解法官命令各方参加和解会议的原因及规定。
As we indicated before, neither rumors nor personal attacks deserve attention. If said claims were made in our name or made while implying a relationship with our client or our firm, please kindly refer to our statements regarding such claims on our official blog entry dated January 13, 2012. The comments made by persons claiming to be our friends or employees should be regarded and presumed to be false and made with ulterior motive, unless you received written confirmation from us or on our official blog. Unofficial comments are an expression of the views or opinions of unaffiliated individuals, which do not represent or reflect the view or positions of the parties. 传闻或评论或人身攻击谩骂不应得到关注或重视。如果有人以本人或本所名义,或暗示代表本所,发布言论或评论,请参阅本所2012年1月13日发布的公告。除非有书面证实, 任何人,公司,或声称与本人或本所有关者所发表的言论应当视为不实传言。其他人的评论不代表当事人和律师的意见。
An attorney’s duty to his or her client is to look at the evidence available and apply the laws to the facts. We will follow the evidence to where it leads. As for all other questions, while I wish I could answer your questions, this subject matter is protected by Attorney-Client privilege and I am not in a position to reveal details on this matter. 律师对客户负责的办案原则是,重证据,讲实事,案子的走向完全看证据。至于涉及办案方针,和具体办法,虽然本律师很想合您研究探讨,由于本案正在进行当中,受法律规范限制,不能透露当事人的隐私,所以现在不便随意评论,请您理解。有机会一定向您请教。
Thank you for your continued support to Sang Lan
回复 围观 2012-3-7 03:39
又发生什么事啦? 声明在哪? 给个连接啊, 谢了哈.
回复 good-good-study 2012-3-7 02:23
回复 定哥 2012-3-7 01:57
回复 zoebb88 2012-3-7 00:52


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