因网站改版更新,从9月1日零时起美国中文网将不再保留博客栏目,请各位博主自行做好备份,由此带来的不便我们深感歉意,同时欢迎 广大网友入驻新平台!
这流氓写的东西有个特点。就是抄法规时,英文读起来很顺流。一到他自己写的部分,水平一落千丈,诘屈聱牙,错误百出。unequally----不知道法官能不能理解成我理解的意思:unequivocally. 就这水平还特莫的敢出来现眼?
但看到下面的这几句话,我油然升起了想抽他的冲动。他说网友是刘莫,刘莫就是网友啊?就连小学黄还知道‘跟着证据走。’ 当律师的难道不知道需要自己提出证据难道不知道没根据的话不能乱说?他自己都曾说过孙鹰是记者,现在又说孙就是刘;毛毛就是莫的太太,理由就是毛曾发表过莫的官司细节。他还曾说过,他自己的博客有的是别人写的用他的名义,有的是他瞎说的不算数。怎么到了刘谢这里,网友就成 了刘谢的雇佣代理而且一定要法官治罪?和岳东小丑一个D样。NND。
Plaintiff has unequally alleged that the “John Does” are Defendants themselves with different ID names on the various websites, and/or defendant’s agent, associates, family members under defendants’ control and direction, acting on behalf of defendants. Under the well established law of Agency, the principals are liable for their agents’ acts or failure to act. Certainly the named defendants are jointly and severally liable for the John Does’ conducts.
However, the Magistrate Judge thinks that all of these John Does’ acts are “not attributable to the defendants”, despite that plaintiff has alleged the agent and principal relationship
And plaintiff has properly pleaded the agent principal relationship between the named defendants and the “John Does” number 1 through 15
Based on reliable information and reasonable belief, “maomao” is Hugh Mo’s wife, “Sunying” is KS Liu himself
John Does number 1 through 15’s actions are attribute to the named defendants in
that defendants have employed these John Does’ to do what otherwise they will do themselves and invoke liability to themselves directly. The named defendants have organized, orchestrated and offered benefits to the John Does for them to do what they have done.