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This post will show you how to do Toyota R7F701441 semi-LCD instrument mileage correction by using Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 and ACDP Module 35.
Please turn on the ignition to activate the instrument panel, record the original mileage, remove the instrument to disassemble it, and confirm that the chip model is RF7F01441.
Power on the ACDP, open the ACDP APP and confirm in the upper right corner that the ACDP device has been bound.
Click "Module" >> "TOYOTA ODO" >> "Help", and refer to the connection diagram to connect the interface board to the device properly.
Click "R7F701441" >> "Identify Info"
Prompt: Please use the ACDP standard power adapter (voltage+ 12V, current >=2.5A).
Click "OK".
Prompt: Connect the ACDP, interface board, and instrument module.
Click "Continue".
Checking pin, then click "Continue".
Checking information, the display chip needs pre-processing, click "OK" to continue.
Identify chip info finish.
Click Pre-process chip.
Step 1: Backup data
Prompt: Please use the ACDP standard power adapter (voltage+ 12V, current >=2.5A).
Click "OK".
Prompt: Connect the ACDP, interface board, and instrument module.
Click "Continue".
Checking pin, then click "Continue".
Reading chip info...
Don't power off or unplug the device while reading chip data.
Reading chip date successfully, then click "OK" to save the chip data.
Read chip data finish.
Step 2. Decrypt chip
Prompt: Please use the ACDP standard power adapter (voltage+ 12V, current >=2.5A).
Click "OK".
Prompt: Connect the ACDP, interface board, and instrument module.
Click "Continue".
Reading chip info...
Don't power off or unplug the device while reading chip data.
Pre-process chip is finished, click "OK".
Return to the previous menu, and click "Reset mileage (auto mode).
The info display chip needs no preprocessing.
Save the original data of the instrument.
Verify instrument information and click "Continue".
Click on the mileage and enter the new mileage you want
Writing chip data, please wait...
Reset mileage finish.
Install the instrument panel in the car and check if the mileage displayed on it is normal.
Watch more details on YouTube: