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Many friends are asking what this OBDSTAR V2 Converter is used for. Here we'll introduce how to use it today.
The OBDSTAR special adapter is mainly used with third-party equipment. This adapter connects the TCM dedicated connector to a test platform so that we can perform diagnostics or tests on the ECU.
We're gonna show how to diagnose with a V2 adapter.
The OBDSTAR V2 Adapter supports an external independent power supply. We can make a connection like this:
1) Connect the entire Bluetooth head here.
2) Supply 12 volts.
Then, we can diagnose this ECU module through a dedicated test platform. After transferring, the adapter makes this connector into the test platform.
Now we enter the diagnostic system, we can see the ECU information. It's a DQ400E transmission ECU. After entering the diagnostic system, we can continue to do more functions like checking mileage as needed.