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Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK

已有 21 次阅读2024-12-26 03:40 | godiag-gt114 分享到微信

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 can successfully program the Audi K-Line IMMO key by bench. You need to use the smart key with the Megamos ID48 chip. The GT114 Test Platform is specially working for Audi A4, A6, C5, 2Gen, and 3Gen immo instruments and will be coming soon.

Read this article carefully to learn the procedure step by step.

Connect VVDI2, GODIAG GT114, Audi Dash Module & PC.
Press the power switch red button.
If the key induction adapter light turns off for 3s, it means the key is not recognized or the key chip does not match.
The flashing on the dash indicates that the key is not recognized.

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-1

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-2

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-3

Step1. Backup EEPROM
Open VVDI2 software.
Audi >> Instruments >> Connect >> Identification >> Exit

Special Function >> K-Line Instrument/Immobox >> Read EEPROM
*Remember this PIN code, you'll need it for key learning later.
PIN: 00421
Save the EEPROM data file.

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-4

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-5

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-6

Step2. Make Dealer Key
Put Megamos 48 chip into VVDI2 coil.
Transponder Programmer >> Autodetect Transponder
Immobilizer Data Tool >> Euro >> Audi >> A6 >> VDO 1998 - 93C66(86) >> Load EEPROM dump >> Selected key position: Key2 >> Make Dealer Key >> Megamos 48

Prepare dealer key success. It can start the engine after writing back a new dump file or learning it to the car.
Add another new key need load the new data file.
Press OK to save the new dump file.

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-7

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-8

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-9

Step3. Write Data Back

Audi >> Special Function >> K-Line Instrument/Immobox >> Load file >> Write EEPROM
Writing data success.

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-10

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-11

Step4. Key Learning
Put the Megamos 48 chip into the key induction adapter coil.
Audi >> Key Learn >> Key Learn >> VAG KWP1281 Immobilizer - KWP1281
Key Count: 1
Login(PIN): 00421
Click "Login".

Please switch the ignition OFF for 5s, then switch the ignition ON. Last press OK.
Switch off the ignition. Insert every key into the ignition and switch on at least 2s.

The key induction adapter light flashes and then goes out, indicating that the IMMO chip and chip key are working properly.
And the dash light flashes off, which means a key has been matched.

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-12

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-13

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-14

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-15

Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG GT114 Add Audi K-Line IMMO Key OK_图1-16








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