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How to Disassemble VW MQB 5D Odometer?

已有 151 次阅读2024-12-4 21:50 | yanhua-mini-acdp 分享到微信

This is a tutorial on disassembling the VW MQB 5D odometer. After that, we can install the Yanhua R7F701401/21-5D Interface Board to read and write data without soldering. By working with ACDP2 + Module 34, we can make data reading and writing safer for VW Golf 8, Teramont, Viloran, Tavendor, Lamando, Tiguan L, etc.

How to disassemble VW MQB 5D ODO?
Since the MQB5D odometer display and the housing are sealed with glue, you must be careful when disassembling them.

Based on these 3 buckle positions, determine the instrument's positive direction. To disassemble the instrument, it's recommended to use a sharp art knife.
1) Start from the lower left corner of the display.
2) Cut the sealant under and on both sides of the instrument.
3) Cut the sealant above the instrument.

Please Note: The below and on both sides.
 The blade should not be inserted more than 8mm deep to avoid scratching the inside of the odometer.
 When cutting the sealant, be careful not to tilt the blade upward.
 Do not pry the blade up and down.
 Be careful and slow when cutting.

How to Disassemble VW MQB 5D Odometer?_图1-1

How to Disassemble VW MQB 5D Odometer?_图1-2

How to Disassemble VW MQB 5D Odometer?_图1-3

When you're working on the top of the odometer, be careful of the wiring in the middle. So the blade should not be inserted more than 4mm deep at this position to avoid cutting the display cable.

After the sealant is cut, flip the display open. Place your fingers on the left and right grooves below. Remove the backlight panel and heat sink.

After completing, we can install the 5D Interface Board according to:
How to install Yanhua R7F701401/21-5D Interface Board?

How to Disassemble VW MQB 5D Odometer?_图1-4

How to Disassemble VW MQB 5D Odometer?_图1-5








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