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Launch X431 CRP919X BT Register and Update

已有 139 次阅读2024-10-29 22:43 分享到微信

This post will show you how to register and update the Launch X431 CRP919X BT Diagnostic Tool.

Follow the steps below to sign in and update:
Tap Login on the upper right corner of the home screen, and the following login window will pop up.

Launch X431 CRP919X BT Register and Update_图1-1

If you are a new user, follow A to proceed.
If you have registered to be a member, go to B to log in to the system directly.
In case you forgot your password, refer to C to reset a new password.

A. If you are a new user, tap [New Registration] to enter the sign-up page.

Launch X431 CRP919X BT Register and Update_图1-2

Fill in the information in each field (Items with * must be filled). After inputting, tap [Register], the following screen will appear:

Launch X431 CRP919X BT Register and Update_图1-3

Input the 12-digit Product Serial Number and 8-digit Activation Code (which can be obtained from the password envelope), and then tap [Activate].

Launch X431 CRP919X BT Register and Update_图1-4

Tap [OK] to navigate to the update center to update all available software.

Launch X431 CRP919X BT Register and Update_图1-5

After the registration is successfully complete, the wireless communication between the tablet and the VCI device is automatically established and the user does not need to configure it again.

B. If you have registered to be a member, input your name and password, and then tap Login to enter the main menu screen directly.

Note: The tablet has an auto-save function. Once the username and password are correctly entered, the system will automatically store it. Next time you log in to the system, you will not be asked to input the account manually.

C. If you forgot the password, tap Retrieve password and then follow on-screen instructions to set a new password.

For more tech support, please visit www.obd2shop.co.uk.







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