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Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC

已有 115 次阅读2024-9-20 03:17 | xhorse-bim-tool-pro 分享到微信

When trying the 4D and 8A key programming for BMW motorcycles on Key Tool Plus or VVDI2, we may occasionally meet the DTCs on the screen that cannot be cleared. In case where "Tire Pressure Monitor Malfunction" appears after key programming of BMW motorcycles, we can resolve the problem by VVDI BIMTOOL PRO or BIM TOOL with the following steps.

Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC_图1-1

Check the video on YouTube:

1. Connect BIMTOOL PRO
Connect BIMTOOL PRO to both the computer & the motorcycle's OBD port.
Launch the BIMTOOL PRO software.
Fxx/Gxx Program/Code >> Auto detect >> Connect car

Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC_图1-2

Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC_图1-3

2. Programming
Click "Vehicle Programming".
The "target istufen lev" should be the same as the "Shipment date".
If there's no shipment data available, choose the latest date.

40 - FEM[X_SLZ] >> Calculate programming file
We already calculated the new programming file! You also can select another version to program!
Press YES to use the system calculate program version.
The calculation is completed.

Gray areas indicate the current module version information.
Orange areas indicate the programmable version information.
Click "Programming" to proceed.

Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC_图1-4

Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC_图1-5

Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC_图1-6

Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC_图1-7

Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC_图1-8

Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC_图1-9

3. Clear DTCs
After programming is completed, read the vehicle's DTCs and clear them.

Upon clearing the DTCs, verify that the motorcycle screen no longer displays any fault codes.

Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC_图1-10

Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC_图1-11








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