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LAUNCH Creader Elite 2.0 Add 2005 Ford F150 Key in 3 Mins

已有 26 次阅读2024-9-17 23:46 | launch-creader 分享到微信

Today I will program a new key for the 2005 Ford F150 truck with LAUNCH Creader Elite 2.0 FGC scanner. This is a perfect scanner, really cheap and easy to use.

LAUNCH Creader Elite 2.0 Add 2005 Ford F150 Key in 3 Mins_图1-1

Step1. Program Key Fob Manually
1. Open the ignition switch 8 times and hear those cycles.
2. Press the UNLOCK button on the key twice.
The key fob should be programmed.

Step2. Program Key Chip
Turn the ignition on to keep the light flashing.
Connect the Creader Elite 2.0 to car OBD.

After automatically searching the car model, let's press
Special Functions >> Body >> Security >> PATS(Passive Anti-Theft System) Functions >> OK
Turn on the ignition.
This procedure will take 10 minutes.
Press Yes to continue.

Operation in progress, please wait...
Security access granted.
Press "Program Additional Ignition Key".

LAUNCH Creader Elite 2.0 Add 2005 Ford F150 Key in 3 Mins_图1-2

LAUNCH Creader Elite 2.0 Add 2005 Ford F150 Key in 3 Mins_图1-3

LAUNCH Creader Elite 2.0 Add 2005 Ford F150 Key in 3 Mins_图1-4

LAUNCH Creader Elite 2.0 Add 2005 Ford F150 Key in 3 Mins_图1-5

LAUNCH Creader Elite 2.0 Add 2005 Ford F150 Key in 3 Mins_图1-6

Place an unprogrammed PATS(Passive Anti-Theft System)Key into the ignition.
Turn the key to the ON position.
This operation has been successfully performed.
Operation succeeded.

Let's check the new key, it can work normally.
Quick done.

LAUNCH Creader Elite 2.0 Add 2005 Ford F150 Key in 3 Mins_图1-7

LAUNCH Creader Elite 2.0 Add 2005 Ford F150 Key in 3 Mins_图1-8








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