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How to Convert Truck 24V K-Line to 12V by GODIAG GT106 PLUS?

已有 78 次阅读2024-9-12 04:53 | godiag-gt106-plus 分享到微信

GODIAG GT106 PLUS is an adapter that can convert heavy truck diagnostic interface from 24V to 12V. With it, we can use the LAUNCH vehicle equipment for truck diagnosis. Converting the truck's 24V K-Line communication protocol to 12V K-Line can prevent the LAUNCH diagnostic head from burning.

How to Convert Truck 24V K-Line to 12V by GODIAG GT106 PLUS?_图1-1

Following is the tutorial on how to convert truck K-line from 24v to 12v.
As we can see, the Launch- x431 diagnostic tool requires 9-18 voltage.

Connect ECU &GODIAG GT100 to test the voltage.
The voltage from GT100 is 30V;
The voltage from the ECU is 30V.
The K-Line voltage is 29V.

How to Convert Truck 24V K-Line to 12V by GODIAG GT106 PLUS?_图1-2

How to Convert Truck 24V K-Line to 12V by GODIAG GT106 PLUS?_图1-3

How to Convert Truck 24V K-Line to 12V by GODIAG GT106 PLUS?_图1-4

How to Convert Truck 24V K-Line to 12V by GODIAG GT106 PLUS?_图1-5

Connect GT106 PLUS to GT100 for a test.
Its output voltage is 12.7V and its input voltage is 30.7V.

So that we can plug the Launch-x431 tool safely.
Now we can diagnose the truck ECU.
Exactly a useful and easy tool.

How to Convert Truck 24V K-Line to 12V by GODIAG GT106 PLUS?_图1-6

How to Convert Truck 24V K-Line to 12V by GODIAG GT106 PLUS?_图1-7

How to Convert Truck 24V K-Line to 12V by GODIAG GT106 PLUS?_图1-8

How to Convert Truck 24V K-Line to 12V by GODIAG GT106 PLUS?_图1-9








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