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Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501

已有 42 次阅读2024-9-1 21:32 | obdstar-mt501 分享到微信

This post will guide you on how to use OBDSTAR MT501 to do Land Rover Knob Gear Lever action test by bench.

Check the video here:

The Tool we need:
Main Cable
P004 ECU Clone Jumper
P004 Adapter
Land Rover Gear Lever Control ECU

Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-1

Choose [Test Platform] >> [GEARLEVER] >> [GEARLEVER V30.15] >> [GEARLEVER LAND ROVER/JAGUAR].

Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-2

Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-3

Then click [Start] >> [Guide] in the lower left corner, and carefully read the development background and operation methods.

Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-4

Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-5

Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-6

There are 2 operation methods and here we are using method 2, connecting with the ecu jumper.
We will test the gear lever by plugging and unplugging the jumper from the control power terminals.

Click [Pinout] to check the diagram.
Connect the harness according to the wiring diagram.

Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-7

Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-8

Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-9

The control power is disconnected and turn on the ignition switch of P004.
Click [Start] to test.

Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-10

Plug in the control power supply.
Test that the lift-up, knob function works properly.
Unplug the control power supply, and the lift-down function works properly.

Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-11

Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-12


Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-13

Land Rover Knob Gear Lever Action Test by OBDSTAR MT501_图1-14







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