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What Is the difference between Autel MaxiVideo MV105S and MV108S?

已有 114 次阅读2024-8-26 23:14 分享到微信

Autel MaxiVideo MV108S/105S digital inspection camera is designed to work with Autel diagnostic tablets. It turns your Autel tablet into a video inspection scope, allowing you to examine difficult-to-reach areas normally hidden from sight. It is capable of recording digital still images and videos, which offers you an economical solution to inspect machinery, facilities, and infrastructure safely and quickly.

In this post, I will show you the difference between MV105S and MV108S.

MV105S 5.5mm (0.22'') Diameter lmager Head
White LED lights will illuminate the inspection areas.
A small diameter allows it to be used in the tightest spaces.
Wonderful for up-close visual inspections in confined areas, such as engine cylinders and small part inspections.

MV108S 8.5mm (0.33'') Diameter Imager Head
Super bright LED and high resolution provide crystal clear images.
A small diameter allows it to be used in tight spaces.
Powerful and perfect for inspecting most spark plug holes.

What Is the difference between Autel MaxiVideo MV105S and MV108S?_图1-1

What Is the difference between Autel MaxiVideo MV105S and MV108S?_图1-2

The 105 and 108 indicate two different diameter camera head systems, these new cameras offer better imaging technology that will allow you to see a higher level of detail, the mv105s display 1280x720 resolution which is perfect for inspecting small engine parts and checking for fluid leaks for example.

The MV108S is designed to display images in 1920x1080 dull HD resolution, this is designed to render much finer details such as cylinder board damage.

Both cameras feature bright LEDs to illuminate the inspection area for a clearer image, the camera heads are very flexible so we can fit them into even the tightest spaces. Both camera heads feature IP67 water resistance for protection from fluid and solvents. To use the camera you must first ensure that your Maxi Assist tablet is compatible with the MV camera systems.

How to use MaxiVideo MV105S/180S?
Power up your tablet and enter the Maxi assist software, swipe right until you see the Maxi video icon. If you see this feature available, plug in the USB cable and you're ready to go. The Maxi video software will also allow you to record the video capture so you can retrieve it for later use.

What Is the difference between Autel MaxiVideo MV105S and MV108S?_图1-3

What Is the difference between Autel MaxiVideo MV105S and MV108S?_图1-4

What Is the difference between Autel MaxiVideo MV105S and MV108S?_图1-5

What Is the difference between Autel MaxiVideo MV105S and MV108S?_图1-6

For more information, please visit www.obd2shop.co.uk.







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