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What's different between ThinkDiag, ThinkDiag 2&ThinkScan Max 2 diagnostic tools? Which is better? Here we're comparing them in price, hardware, and functions, trying to give you a clearer discrimination.
Comparison Table
ThinkDiag<ThinkDiag 2<ThinkScan Max 2
ThinkDiag is the cheapest while ThinkScan Max 2 is the most expensive, ThinkDiag 2 places second.
1. ThinkScan Max 2 is a touchscreen tablet that can be used independently. However, ThinkDiag is a Bluetooth VCI that can only work with an APP on a smartphone.
2. ThinkScan Max 2 is equipped with the best CPU, RAM, ROM, screen size and resolution, and battery capability to ensure smooth running speed.
ThinkDiag<ThinkDiag 2<ThinkScan Max 2
1. ThinkScan Max 2 supports most functions like 28 reset services, screenshots, voltage monitoring, and 15 languages while ThinkDiag cannot (or supports less).
2. ThinkDiag 2 can support CAN FD protocol while ThinkDiag cannot.
3. Both ThinkDiag&ThinkDiag 2 can enjoy free ECU coding, Flash hidden, initialization, and bidirectional test while ThinkScan Max 2 is paid. Besides, they support 150+ car brands.
4. ThinkScan Max 2 can enjoy a FREE lifelong upgrade while ThinkDiag only enjoys 1 year.
In terms of cost performance, ThinkDiag wins. Either ThinkDiag or ThinkDiag 2 can do basic/intelligent diagnosis. In addition, it's small and portable to carry anywhere.
For another, if you're looking for a more high-end diagnostic tablet, then ThinkScan Max 2 will be a good option. As its configuration and features perform better.