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OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Program 2024 Mazda CX-5 All Keys Lost

已有 59 次阅读2024-8-14 04:50 分享到微信

Today we'll demonstrate how to program the 2024 Mazda CX-5 all keys lost with OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 by OBD.

OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Program 2024 Mazda CX-5 All Keys Lost_图1-1

Tools Required:
OBDSTAR Key Master G3
2 Blank Keys
Main Cable

Connect the device to your vehicle with the main cable.

IMMO >> MAZDA >> Latest Version >> Manual Select Model >> CX-5 >> PROXIMITY >> 2018- >> TYPE 1 >> All Smart Keys Lost

OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Program 2024 Mazda CX-5 All Keys Lost_图1-2

OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Program 2024 Mazda CX-5 All Keys Lost_图1-3

OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Program 2024 Mazda CX-5 All Keys Lost_图1-4

OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Program 2024 Mazda CX-5 All Keys Lost_图1-5

All the smart keys out of the car 1 meter away.

Press and hold the vehicle start button for 10s, Start button indicator lights from green to yellow. Press the start button again, and turn on the instrument.

All smart keys will be erased.
Mini keys are required: 2

Is ignition status open? Yes
When figuring out how to configure the system, please wait for about 7 minutes. After 7 minutes, the speaker will ring.

Current number of smart keys: 0
Switch the ignition off.

Turn on the ignition.
When the indicator of the start button turns green(within 5 seconds), attach the marker side of the smart key to the start button!

The current number of keys: 1
The program is successful, do you want to program the next one? Yes
Just repeat the operation as before.
The current number of keys: 2
Press No to continue.

OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Program 2024 Mazda CX-5 All Keys Lost_图1-6

OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Program 2024 Mazda CX-5 All Keys Lost_图1-7

OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Program 2024 Mazda CX-5 All Keys Lost_图1-8

You have to complete the following procedure before the engine can be started:
1. Switch ignition off.
2. Put on the brakes, turn all the programmed keys to the start button to start the engine for 3s, then switch the ignition off.
Program complete.

Test the keys, both can work successfully.

OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Program 2024 Mazda CX-5 All Keys Lost_图1-9








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