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Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Adapter + Multi-Prog Read R7F701407

已有 107 次阅读2024-8-1 22:14 | xhorse-multi-prog 分享到微信

The new Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Adapter for Multi-Prog Programmer is hitting the market with great anticipation. It can support the VW 4th Gen Johnson Controls 34xx series, MQB-RH850(R7F) series & MQB 34xx series without cutting wires or lifting pins. We need to work with Multi-Prog meanwhile.

Following we'll show how to read the MQB48 R7F701407 locked instrument data process as an example. For those who need immo data calculation, either VVDI2 or Key Tool Plus is optional.

Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Adapter + Multi-Prog Read R7F701407_图1-1

Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Adapter + Multi-Prog Read R7F701407_图1-2

1. Connection
Open Multi-Prog software,
Device >> MQB48-LOCK(R7F701407)-READ(VW->MQB) >> Details >> Connection diagram

1)Remove these 4 components.
2)Solder the wires to connect the adapter and instrument, and secure them with acetate tape.
3)Once the soldering is successful, connect RH850/V850 Adapter, Multi-Prog, computer and VVDI2.

Don't forget to power the MULTI-PROG.

Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Adapter + Multi-Prog Read R7F701407_图1-3

Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Adapter + Multi-Prog Read R7F701407_图1-4

Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Adapter + Multi-Prog Read R7F701407_图1-5

Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Adapter + Multi-Prog Read R7F701407_图1-6

2. Read MQB48 Data
Crack reading >> OK
*You can check the progress in the bottom left corner, and wait for minutes.
Save file >> Save

Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Adapter + Multi-Prog Read R7F701407_图1-7

3. Decode MQB48 Data
Open VVDI2 software,
VW >> Key Learn >> MQB platform instrument immobilizer >> Instrument with locked NEC35xx(MQB48, VDO/JCI) >> Decode immo data >> Yes >> Load the encrypted data just read by Multi Prog.
Save the MQB48 immo data file!

This file can used to make a dealer key or add a key.

The MQB RH850/V850 Adapter is so practical that can significantly reduce the risk of instrument damage.

Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Adapter + Multi-Prog Read R7F701407_图1-8

Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Adapter + Multi-Prog Read R7F701407_图1-9

Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Adapter + Multi-Prog Read R7F701407_图1-10

Xhorse MQB RH850/V850 Adapter + Multi-Prog Read R7F701407_图1-11








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