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How to Unbind CG100 and CG100X Accounts

已有 92 次阅读2024-7-30 23:52 | cgdi-100x 分享到微信

This guide will walk you through the process of unbinding your CG100 and CG100X accounts.

1. CG100 Account Unbinding Instructions
① Access Device Association
Click on the icon shown below. This will display your account binding information. Select "Unbind Current Device" in the bottom left corner.

How to Unbind CG100 and CG100X Accounts_图1-1

How to Unbind CG100 and CG100X Accounts_图1-2

② Confirm Unbinding
A dialog box will appear. Enter your account password and click "Confirm."  The device will be successfully unbound.

How to Unbind CG100 and CG100X Accounts_图1-3

③ Restart the Software
This is a crucial step. Make sure to exit the software and reopen it. At this point, you should see that no account information is present.

How to Unbind CG100 and CG100X Accounts_图1-4

2. CG100X Account Unbinding Instructions
① Access Device Association
Click on the icon shown below and select "Associated Devices." You will see your account binding information. Then click on "Unbind Current Device."

How to Unbind CG100 and CG100X Accounts_图1-5

How to Unbind CG100 and CG100X Accounts_图1-6

How to Unbind CG100 and CG100X Accounts_图1-7

② Confirm Unbinding
Enter your account password and click "Confirm." The device will be successfully unbound.

How to Unbind CG100 and CG100X Accounts_图1-8

③ Restart the Software
Ensure you exit the software and reopen it. You should then see that no account information is present.

How to Unbind CG100 and CG100X Accounts_图1-9

For more technical support, please visit: www.obd2shop.co.uk







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