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LAUNCH X431 Free Software Update For Electric Vehicles

已有 408 次阅读2024-7-1 04:57 分享到微信

Launch- x431 software updates for electric vehicles were released on 28th, Jun. For diagnostic tools(X431 PAD 5/ PAD5 LINK, PAD 7/ PAD7 LINK, PAD9 LINK, PRO5, PRO3, PRO3S+ 5.0, PRO3 SE, PRO3 LINK, PRO3 ACE, PRO3 APEX, IMMO PAD) that have been activated with X431 EV Diagnostic Upgrade Kit can be free to update.

Vehicle update covers GM, Hyundai, KIA, VW, Benz, Audi, and Tesla.

Update Contents
GM V49.65
1. For the 2024MY new energy vehicle Celestig, added the basic functions Version Information, Read DTCs, Clear DTCs, Read Data Streams, and special functions for 52 systems such as battery energy control system, body system, and brake control system.
2. For 2025MY new energy vehicle Escalade IQ, added the basic functions Version Information, Read DTCs, Clear DTCs, Read Data Streams, and special functions for 50 systems such as battery energy control system, body system, and brake control system.

Hyundai V52.01
1. Added DTC content for some 2020-2024 new energy vehicle models.
2. Optimized the DCT learning function for new energy vehicle models.
3. Optimized the software structure for new energy vehicle models.

KIA V46.01
1. Vehicle models such as EV6(CV). Added DTC content for some 2020-2024 new energy vehicle models.
2. Optimized the DCT learning function for new energy vehicle models.
3. Optimized the software structure for new energy vehicle models.

VW V29.02
1. Optimized the guided functions and ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) calibration function for VW's new energy vehicles.

Benz V50.30
1. Updated basic functions and special functions of new energy vehicles supported by chassis such as 167,206 and 214.
2. Updated the variable coding function.

Audi V29.03
1. Update functions for 2024MY Audi's new energy vehicle models.

Tesla V10.35
1. For Model 3/Y, added some special functions in the LAN (Local Area Network) functions, and optimized the function classification mode.

2. For Model 3/Y, added 225 special functions such as HVP (High Voltage Processor) charging port interface test, steering column calibration, headlights (self-check), seat calibration, liftgate open/ close test, factory automatic learning start, sensor ID erasing, brake exhaust, and angle offset clearing) for 26 systems such as BMS(Battery Management System), DAS (Driver Assistance System, i.e. Autonomous Driving), ESP (Electronic Stability Program), HVP(High Voltage Processor), TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System), PARK2(Parking Assist System Sensor), RCM/SDM(Supplemental Deployment Module-Airbag), PMS(Power Management System), EPAS2(Electric Power Steering System 2), and VCLET (Left Side Body Control Module).

3. For 2015-2020 Model S/X, added version information and special functions for the following 15 systems: HVBS(High-voltage Battery System), EFUSE (12V Power Management Module), PTC(Positive Temperature Coefficient), RCCM(Remote Air Conditioning Control Module), MSM (Seat Memory Module), PDM (Passenger Door Module), DDM(Driver Door Module), LFT (Liftgate Controller), SUN (Sunroof Controller), DHRP (Rear Passenger Door Handle), DHRD(Rear Driver Door Handle), DHFP(Front Passenger Door Handle), DHFD(Driver Door Handle), SNSCUR1 (Upper Right Capacitive Sensor 1), SNSCUL1 (Upper Left Capacitive Sensor 1).

4. For the 2015-2020 Model S/X, 30 special functions such as setting driving height, service mode, air suspension leveling, air suspension calibration, reading driving height calibration, and air suspension pressure measurement for the TAS(Air Suspension System). Added 20 special functions including the following for the BMS(Battery Management System): resetting to open the positive connector, clearing the BMS isolation counter, keeping the BMS awake, writing or reading fuse data to the BMS, and forcing to set the backup power supply.

5. For Model S/X as of 2021, added version information and 272 special functions such as HVP(High Voltage Processor) charging port interface test, air suspension pressure measurement, reading Tesla air suspension ride height calibration, learning SCCM angle offset, passenger side mirror folding, seat calibration, window calibration, liftgate open/ close test, adjustable steering column calibration, brake exhaust, and clearing angle offset for 28 systems including the following: BMS(Battery Management System), ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System, i.e. Autonomous Driving), SEC(Safety Controller), RADC(Central Radar), IBST (Intelligent Booster), ESP(Electronic Stability Program), HVP
(High Voltage Processor), TPMS(Tire Pressure Monitoring System), RCM/SDM (Supplemental Deployment Module-Airbag), PMS(Power Management System), EPAS2(Electric Power Steering System 2), SCCM(Steering Column Control Module).

LAUNCH X431 Free Software Update For Electric Vehicles_图1-1








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