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已有 1091 次阅读2008-10-18 03:03 |系统分类:健康养生分享到微信

  More effective and better  foreground-The research and development of a new drug which can replace cardiac pacemaker
 Currently,  there is not effective drugs which can cure bradycardia, patient with severe symptoms have to use the cardiac pacemaker to sustain life. More than 600 thousand patients will be equipped with cardiac pacemakers each year. Millions of patients are expecting a new drug will can cure this disease and help them  get rid of  cardiac pacemakers.
  To install a cardiac pacemaker  not  only means a large sum of money , but also the affliction and risks from  the clinical  operation. What's more, a lot  of    side effects and restrictions exist and the patient will replace with a new  one in a few years. So, it is very urgent to research on some effective new drugs which are effective to patients with bradycardia.
  We are physicians chief. Through 27 years in clinical  search, we achieved significant  therapeutic effects in curing bradycardia (mainly including sick sinus syndrome and third degree Atrio-Ventricular block)  with Xindekuai.. Only after oral taking of  this medicine for three days, improvement  of  heart  rate, increase in cardiac outputs and improvement of cardiac function can be seen. These make the symptoms decrease or  even  disappear  which enable the patients to survive without cardiac pacemakers. Widely use of the new medicine will alleviate millions of  patients who suffer from the disease and also can be taken  as a key   project  in economic exchange with foreign countries.
  Xindekuai  Prescription has been tested in Pharmacodynamic experiments and  toxicological  experiments using animal models, which have proven  effectiveness.
  Xindekuai   Prescription  has been evaluated by  experts  appointed by the Chamber  of   Scinece and Technology of  Anhui  Province, which has  been passed.
  Xindekuai  Prescription win the 16th  Shanghai  Execllent-Invention  Prize.
  Xindekuai  Prescription  has not acquired  the new drug  certification  up to now, we are eager to cooperate with  people with  wisdom  and ability  to develop this promising  new drug. There are three advantages in developing this drug:
  1. No risk :  this  new  Prescription has been  searched clinically for 27 years with  excellent therapeutic  effects and low adverse effests and low adverse effects.  And the tests in animal  models  also indicate its effectiveness.
 2. Low  investment,  short cycle: because the old drugs have been discovered, which have new use with reasonable and simple prescription.
 3. well prospect: millions upon millions of patients are waiting anxi ously  for the  new  drug to  come  to marker.   Welcome to cooperate in developing this promising new  drug.
Note: Xindekuai  is a kind of  compound  tablet  or  capsule,chemical matter has been determined.
Liaison  man:  Doctor Lin.
E-mail: tnjh1968@yahoo.com.cn







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