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老美看美国: 共和党没有吸取教训

热度 11已有 12200 次阅读2013-3-19 08:03 |个人分类:老美看美国|系统分类:杂谈| 美国, , 共和党 分享到微信





/老美罗杰,  翻译/丹奇




上周末,共和党刚刚结束了其年度保守派政治行动大会(CPAC) ,真是达到了其目的,甚至更甚 — — 充满了粗鲁评论、 含沙射影、 漫天谎言、 种族主义、 行了 — — 简直就是疯言疯语。

共和党 (通过CPAC) 继续把自己从那些未来要赢取总统所需要的选民中孤立出来,并危及那些目前在任的共和党国家级别的官员— — 参议员和国会议员等。

现在这个国家的热点话题之一便是控枪。全国步枪协会 (NRA) 韦恩皮尔是此次保守派行动大会的主题演讲人,他继续他的意识形态说奧巴馬政府当局正试图夺走你的枪(顺便说一下,他不是支持拥枪者,而是要支持枪支制造商),这不是事实 !其实奧巴馬政府实际上已经两次扩大枪支使用权了!现在,奧巴馬政府当局的意思是对所有枪支采购者进行背景调查以及控制枪匣的尺寸(就是装子弹的那个细条盒)在 10 颗子弹以内。


没人在任何地方说过要夺走大家的枪或禁止拥有枪支。超过 80%的选民支持这些建议,大多数共和党人也支持。那么,全国来福枪协会和共和党发什么病非要继续跟众多的美国人都赞成的事情做对呢?我是拥枪者,在这个问题上我支持奧巴馬政府。我没有任何必要 30 秒内射出 30 发子弹。但是,在保守派政治行动大会上,这些人对自己选民的意见也是置若罔闻。

另一个问题是妇女的权利。查尔斯 · 巴特勒,保守的脱口秀主持人,一定没有什么女性朋友。在他的保守派政治行动大会上的发言中,他把单身母亲现象归咎于她们是"单身母亲"上。他的想法是有孩子的单身妇女是有错的。因为他们""男人跟他们生孩子,这样他们可以得到男人的钱— —  并且用 NBA 传奇迈克尔 · 乔丹做例子。

另一位来自北卡罗莱纳州的斯科特 · 特里说"黑人奴隶应始终感激他们给主人给他们食物和住房"。我一般很少骂人愚蠢 — — 但特里先生,你真是愚蠢,无知,种族主义,并且......哦,你知道我要说啥了。正如阿甘所言:"愚蠢是治不好的"

萨拉 · 佩林也是一个吸引眼球的标题。萨拉从来没有让她的观众失望。她是一件"从未停止给予的礼物"。你可曾记得,莎拉 ? 佩林的电视真人秀 (在此之前她竞选美国副总统)。但是,在保守派政治行动大会上发言的时候,她还在继续那个“总统不是美国人”的神话。现在,我相信佩林已经知道总统是美国人,约翰 · 麦凯恩也知道,说起过,并斥责了那些不顾事实继续胡说的人。但佩林更喜欢迎合那些不能忍受真相的极右分子,所以她给他们扔一块"红肉",就像宠自己的宠物。干得好,莎拉 — — 我原来只是以为你愚蠢,现在我知道你是真的愚蠢!

德克萨斯州的参议员 Ted 克鲁斯最后发言— —他对移民政策态度很强硬,短短的几分钟发言就能疏远任何西裔听众。


唐纳德 · 特朗普的发言 — — 我真的很喜欢他的节目“学徒”,但唐纳德并不是个政治演讲者。他除了富裕白人谁都能激怒。干得好,特朗普先生!

共和党与保守行动大会的问题是它们已成为"富裕的白种老男人”以及那些爱这些男人的女人的党,(如果知道他们的妇女实际如何投票的一定会很有趣) 以及教育水平较低和种族主义倾向高的南部选民的党。但是,共和党疏远所有少数群体。在过去的选举中 71%的亚洲人投票给力奧巴馬,76%的西班牙裔和 93%的黑人投票给了奧巴馬,55%的妇女和 90%的同志选民选了奧巴馬!!

共和党在过去的 30 年里已经与原来的宗旨渐行渐远  — — 如此便把自己急速地孤立起来不再是主流了。事实上,最后一个赢得 多少票的共和党总统(超过 50%) 是 1988 年的乔治 H.W.布什 !

共和党就他们现在的人口分布状况来说永远也赢不了总统选举。他们没有从这过去的选举中学到任何教训— — 这从他们保守派政治行动大会的霓虹灯下已经显示无遗。






  By  John Milton (March 18th, 2013)

The GOP just wrapped up its annual CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL ACTION CONFERENCE (CPAC ) this past weekend and it was all it was supposed to be and more – filled with rude comments, innuendo, lies, racism, and well – generally just crazy talk.


The GOP continues ( thru CPAC ) to isolate it from the very voters it needs to win a Presidential election in the future and jeopardizes those Republicans who hold other national offices – such as Senators and Congressman.


One of the hot topics in the country now is gun control. Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association ( NRA ) was a featured speaker at CPAC and he continued along his ideology ( which by the way isn’t to support gun owners but rather to support gun manufacturers ) that the Obama administration is trying to take away your guns. NOT TRUE! In fact the Obama administration has actually expanded gun use rights – TWICE! Now, what the Obama administration is suggesting is that background checks be performed for all gun purchases and that the size of the gun clip ( the thin box that holds the bullets ) be limited to 10 bullets.


Nobody anywhere has suggested to take away guns or ban gun ownership. Over 80% of the voters support these suggestions, and a majority of Republicans support them as well. So, what’s wrong with the NRA and the GOP in continuing to fight against what a vast number of Americans are in favor of? I am a gun owner and I support the Obama administration on this issue. I have no need to be able to shoot 30 bullets in less than 30 seconds. But, at CPAC they are deaf to even their own constituents on this issue.



Rights for women was another issue. CHARLES BUTLER, a conservative talk show host must not have many friends that are women. During his CPAC talk he blamed single mothers for being “single mothers”. It’s his idea that single women with children are at fault, because they “tricked” men into fathering children with them so they could get the mans money – using NBA legend Michael Jordan as an example.


Another speaker, Scott Terry from North Carolina said “black slaves should have been grateful that their owners gave them food and housing”. Rarely do I call people stupid – but  Mr. Terry, you are stupid, and ignorant, racist, and….oh well, you get the picture here. Like Forest Gump said “you just can’t fix stupid”.


Another speaker, Scott Terry from North Carolina said “black slaves should have been grateful that their owners gave them food and housing”. Rarely do I call people stupid – but  Mr. Terry, you are stupid, and ignorant, racist, and….oh well, you get the picture here. Like Forest Gump said “you just can’t fix stupid”.


Sarah Palin was a headline attraction also and Sarah never fails to delight her audience. She’s the “gift that just keeps giving”. As you remember, Sarah Palin had a reality tv show ( and before that she ran for Vice President of the USA ). But, during her speech at CPAC she continued the myth that the President isn’t an American. Now, I’m sure Ms. Palin knows the President is an American, John McCain knew it, said it, scolded people who thought otherwise – but Ms. Palin prefers to cater to the far right wing that just can’t stand the truth so she throws them “red meat” like you would to pet wolves. Good job Sarah – I thought you were stupid now I know you are.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas spoke last – and he is very tough on immigration policy and in a few brief minutes could alienate any Hispanic listening.

Donald Trump spoke – I really like his show the Apprentice, but Donald is no political speaker. He was able to irritate everybody except white rich people. Good Job Mr. Trump.


The problem with the GOP and CPAC specifically is that they have become the party of “rich old white guys” and the women that love them ( but it would be interesting to know how their women actually voted ) and voters in the south where education levels are low and racism is high. But, the GOP alienates all minorities. In the past election 71% of Asians voted for Obama, 76% of Hispanics voted for Obama, and 93% of Blacks voted for Obama, 55% of women and 90% of gay voters voted for Obama !!


The GOP has drifted far right the past 30 years – and in doing so has isolated itself so drastically that it’s not mainstream anymore. In fact, the last GOP president to win a majority of votes ( over 50% ) was George H.W. Bush in 1988!


The GOP can not win the Presidency , ever, with the demographics the way they are now. They didn’t learn anything from this past election – and it all showed in neon bright lights during the CPAC conference.

Read more: 老美看美国: 共和党没有吸取教训 - 老美罗杰的日志 - 汉纳网 -







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回复 tiger_baby 2013-4-13 22:51
回复 来文司机 2013-3-20 01:23
kunycheng: 美国什么都好,唯种族歧视太严重!
回复 kunycheng 2013-3-20 00:46
回复 今又是 2013-3-19 09:05
回复 新兰 2013-3-19 08:29


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