因网站改版更新,从9月1日零时起美国中文网将不再保留博客栏目,请各位博主自行做好备份,由此带来的不便我们深感歉意,同时欢迎 广大网友入驻新平台!
热度 25||
(声明: 本文为 快讯翻译稿,非本人创作)
正如总统所说: 把有才华的年轻人驱逐出境,不管是什么意图和目的,都是不可思议的。
请签署请愿书,支持我们的总统奥巴马: 告诉国会通过【梦想法案】!
请你支持并签名: http://dccc.org/DREAM-Act
BREAKING NEWS: President Obama just announced a long-overdue policy that gives legal status to young immigrants, including students and members of the military.
As the President put it, "It makes no sense to expel talented young persons who are, for all intents and purposes, Americans."
in Congress are already mobilizing against the President’s policy --
one has even announced a plan to sue the Obama administration.
We need to get the President’s back on this.
Sign our petition standing with President Obama: Tell Congress to pass the DREAM Act >>
This momentous decision is a critical first step to addressing millions
of young immigrants who have grown up in the United States -- but it’s
only temporary. The next President could revoke this order on their
first day in office.
Republicans in Congress must pass the DREAM Act to allow these students
and members of our military a real pathway to citizenship. President
Obama made it clear in his statement today:
“I’ve said time and time again to Congress: send me the DREAM Act, put it on my desk, and I’ll pass it right away.”
is a defining issue for our country: if Mitt Romney and the Republicans
refuse to allow immigrants who were brought to America as children to
have basic rights, then we need to call them out.
Add your name right now:
GreatShanghai: 楼主心胸还是广阔的。这点比较佩服。
nanalin: 俺看了这个报导,支持奥巴马的决定!不过不是公民投票有用吗。
Blue_Sky: 理解你的意思,dawn . 这一点我也对她有看法,但是想一想,人家是老美,不能用你我的爱祖国心去要求,对不?不是一个Hillary,两个党都有恨中国的人!LZ只是支持 ...
太初先生: 11月的投票我只会投给奥巴马的对手
VANO: 丹奇的文章纯属正常。
风岩: 大多数华裔都支持民主党是非常错误的偏见。
美国民主党的纲领与共产党的纲领相当接近。从中国大陆来的人士对此往往深恶痛绝。别看旧金山的南希-佩露茜一天到晚 ...
Blue_Sky: 理解你的意思,dawn . 这一点我也对她有看法,但是想一想,人家是老美,不能用你我的爱祖国心去要求,对不?不是一个Hillary,两个党都有恨中国的人!LZ只是支持 ...
Blue_Sky:您太紧张了吧?LZ 才华多着呢,她大部分写日常生活,智慧又诙谐!慢慢看吧
谈政治又怎么了?咱们华人缺的就是这个!不议政参政。继续当一团散沙,会被 ...
GreatShanghai: 楼主有偏向地介绍,完全有背先总统林肯的精神。楼主不应充满种族精神地发言,而忘记美国的立国之本。另外,楼主不应像法功那样,天天发表充满政治内容的上访信, ...
GreatShanghai: You should not bring your political basis onto the website, or try to influence others. "请勿发表与本文章无关的内容(包括告状信、上访信、广告等) ...