因网站改版更新,从9月1日零时起美国中文网将不再保留博客栏目,请各位博主自行做好备份,由此带来的不便我们深感歉意,同时欢迎 广大网友入驻新平台!
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老美看美国: 种族主义的数学—秘密战争
在美国,种族紧张关系和不平等已有超过 200 年的历史,这是这个伟大国家的一个污点。我们为此进行过内战,60年代民权运动以后 40 多年的时间里发生过骚乱和抗议。我们创建了新的法律以反对种族主义,但是种族主依然存在。
同样犯有贩毒罪,如果你是一个黑人,你坐牢的可能性就是白人的 10 倍。
美国男性监狱人口中40%是黑人男性组成,虽然它们只占美国总人口 (仅适用于男性) 的 7%。
美国去年在"私人监狱"上的开销是 740 亿美元。没错。企业拥有并经营这些监狱。把人关在监狱是可以赚很多钱的— — 因为监狱可以为私人拥有,但账单却由美国纳税人支付。
地方、 州和联邦政府可以使用执法检获的钱和财产 (汽车、 房子、 珠宝首饰等)来支付他们自己的预算。像这样的法律基本上就是给政府动力来夺取你的财产,他们通过将你定罪并把你送到监狱,以确保占有您的钱和财产。
当一个黑人比一个白人坐牢的机会高10 倍,即使是完全一样的犯罪,这是不公平的。
如果美国要成为那"山上闪亮的城市",它就必须照耀全部。如果“在上帝的護佑下,永不分割, 所有人永享自由和正義”意味着什么,那么对于我们作为这个国家的人,就必须认识到并警惕那些代表我们的政府在这个社会做错的事情。对诸如此类的滥权视而不见,不仅创建二等公民,而且分裂这个国家。那句“所有人享有的自由和正义”如果不包括每一个人,则这些漂亮的词语就没有任何意义。
“有些人只看问题的表面,只会说“为什么?”我梦想从未有过的事情,并问“为什么不?”----罗伯特 · 肯尼迪
By Tadie
Racial tensions and inequality has been a stain on this great country for over 200 years. We have fought a civil war over it, we have had riots and protests for 40 years during the civil rights movement of the 1960’s, and we have created new laws to fight the racism that still exists.
However, for all the new laws we create and for the flowery talk of politicians locally and nationally – there is a secret war going on against blacks in this country that remains hidden from public discussion, but it is a war and a very profitable war for those involved.
If you are a black man you are 10 times more likely to go to prison than a white man convicted of the same exact drug crime.
There are more black men in prison or on parole from prison than there ever was as slaves during the slavery period of this country.
40% of the United States male prison population is made up of black men – but they only represent 7% of the total U.S. population ( males only ).
The United States spent $74 billion last year on “private prisons”. That’s right, prisons that are owned and operated by corporations. There’s big money in keeping people in jail – because the prison may be privately owned but the bill is paid by the American tax payer.
Local, state, and federal governments can use money and property ( cars, houses, jewelry, etc ) seized by law enforcement to pay for their own budgets. Basically, laws like this give the government the “incentive” to take your property and make sure they keep your money and property by convicting you and sending you to jail.
If you’re a black man and sent to jail it’s very much in the governments interest to keep you there because now you can’t vote, and you generate profits for the corporations who in turn donate money to the very people who put you in jail.
Corporations in this country are essentially owned by white men and managed by white men, Powerful white men with powerful friends in government who stay powerful with the money that is donated to their campaigns from the profits generated by the private prisons where the money and contracts are given out by the powerful in government.
The war on drugs is not so much a war on drugs as it is a war on black America and black men specifically. It’s very profitable to keep them in jail.
There is no fairness when a black man is 10 times more likely to go to prison than a white man even if the crimes are exactly the same.
If America is to be that “shining city on a hill” it must shine for all. If “one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all” is to mean anything then we as people of this country must be aware and vigilant of the wrongs done in society by those who represent us – the government. To turn a blind eye to abuses such as this not only creates second class citizens and divides this country but those wonderful words “with liberty and justice or all” mean nothing at all if they do not really include everyone.
It’s a difficult problem to solve. When you mix huge profits ( $74 billion each year for prisons ) and a history of slavery and racism and a power structure that is basically a bunch of old white men in government and corporate structure that is basically a bunch of old white men as well – making the system equal and fair is not impossible, but it almost is.
History teaches us that societies and opinions take time to change. In this environment it seems to be a slow change. However, I am confident that we as a people can move forward and correct this wrong against black men in America, take the profit out of keeping them in jail, and give the tax payers their money back. It will move forward as we the people get involved and ask the question of “why” are things this way – but will be completed when we say “why not correct it”.
“ Some men see things as they are, and say “why”? I dream of things that never were
And say why not?” - Robert F. Kennedy
他乡风云: 美国法官受贿滥判6500少年冤狱
[ 转自铁血社区 http://bbs.tiexue.net/ ]
作者: 方鲲鹏
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