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热度 2已有 1940 次阅读2012-1-8 22:27 |个人分类:老美看美国|系统分类:杂谈分享到微信

(前言:去年的今天,他爹写了一篇【美国的言论自由及其后果 】的文章,发表后引起热烈的讨论。其中村友Homepeace 提到要进行枪支管制,我答应请他爹谈谈美国枪支管制的看法。没想到一拖就是一年。冥冥中的安排,我今天突然想起这个事,就请他爹写点感受。因此在一周年后的今天终于了却心愿。家和兄,迟复为谦!)



/ 他爹    翻译 /他娘










然而,宪法写成的时候,是与现在完全不同的世界。杰姆斯麦迪森,搭建宪法框架的他写过许多联邦党人文集,指出公民需要拥有枪支,有许多理由:1)防止苛政 2)保护自己 3)狩猎以果腹 4)任何合法目的


但是,美国330年前的18世纪相比,已经是一个根本不同的世界了。英格兰的国王和王后再也不是统治美国的苛政了。我也不需要靠猎鹿或鸭子来养活我的家人我去KROGER 或者Walmart采购食物就行了。我确实需要保护我的家人,但是我们还有多重的执法部门---警察,治安警,州警,联邦调查局。












下面的统计数字说明 枪支问题在美国实在是令人不安:

1.       美国将近有三亿支枪(对,相当于美国公民人手一支枪)

2.       美国每年有一万起使用枪进行的谋杀---每小时一起谋杀

3.       日本此类枪杀一年只有一百二十起。

4.       美国用枪谋杀率是欧洲的六倍

5.       美国用枪谋杀率是亚洲的六十五倍(日本,韩国,中国)

6.       美国的谋杀率是每十万人口14.5 人。日本是0.05----也就是说,美国用枪谋杀的比率是日本的二百八十倍。
















By Tadie

January 8th, 2012

There are few issues that create as much political argument from both parties and their supporters than the “right to keep and bear arms”. Powerful groups exist on both sides of the issue – the National Rifle Association ( NRA ) are pro gun ownership and numerous anti gun groups exist, most notably the supporters that rallied around the BRADY BILL ( a piece of law enacted after Jim Brady who was seriously injured during an assassination attempt on then President Reagan in 1981 ) which put into place waiting periods when purchasing guns so that a background check could be completed by law enforcement.

While the BRADY BILL intended to reduce gun violence by keeping the guns from being purchased by criminals who would be exposed during a background check the powerful gun lobby NRA was successful in limiting the scope of who had to perform the checks. Federally licensed gun dealers were required to perform background checks as were pawn shops and other retailers. However, private sellers of guns were not required to do so and neither were sellers at “gun shows”. So, essentially criminals just had to buy a gun from the right seller – one who wasn’t required to perform a background check on them.

The law, while well intended, has in my opinion been largely ineffectual at reducing gun violence or murders with guns, most notably hand guns.

But, to limit the access to guns is a very tricky dance politically. First, the history of gun ownership is treasured by citizens and politicians alike. The powerful gun lobby is a well financed and politically connected group that contributes millions of dollars per year to political allies in Congress. The gun lobby NRA see’s that they are upholding the SECOND AMENDMENT OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION by preserving the right to “keep and bear arms”.

However, when the Constitution was written it was a much a different world. James Madison, a framer of the Constitution who wrote much of the Federalist Papers noted that citizens needed to own guns for many purposes: 1) to deter an oppressive government 2) to protect themselves 3) for hunting wild game to feed themselves 4) for any lawful purpose.

But, the USA is a much different place now than it was in the late 18th century 330 years ago. The King or Queen in England is no longer an oppressive government ruling the country. I don’t need to hunt for deer and ducks to feed my family – I got to Krogers or Walmart and buy food. I do need to still protect my family but we also have many layers of law enforcement – police, sheriffs, state police, FBI.

I do own guns. I enjoy owning guns. I have used them for hunting and sport shooting at targets. That’s not the problem this country faces regarding guns.

The problem facing this country about guns is still the ease with which a criminal can buy a gun as well the type of guns that can be purchased and when used in the commission of a crime can cause enormous damage and kill many people. Automatic weapons or exotic weapons that can hold many bullets are very dangerous. Just a year ago, in Tucson, Arizona, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was seriously wounded when she was shot in the head and seven others were killed by a psychologically impaired gunman who had a handgun that could fire 21 shots without being reloaded.  If the clip holding the bullets would have only held 10 bullets he may not have been able to create so much death.

The NRA noted that the above mentioned gunman was disturbed and you just can’t equate for that. What the NRA fails to mention that the reason his gun could have so many bullets was because a part of a previous law was allowed to expire due to pressure from the NRA which limited the number of bullets that could be held in a clip for the gun. But, crazy people shouldn’t have guns anyway, right ?

But, it’s not just crazy people that shouldn’t have guns it’s also others and the type of guns that shouldn’t be allowed in our society. As I noted before I have had guns since I was 12 years old. I used them for hunting and sport shooting. But, there are some guns available that I don’t think citizens should have – such as assault weapons. I can think of no reason for  anyone to own an assault weapon or AK-47. There are much less exotic guns that you can use for protection of your home or family which are also much easier to use.

But, like many products – guns are only a problem when they are in the wrong hands. The same can be said about knives, cars, dogs, or hammers. However, I don’t recall that many people were killed or injured by someone with a hammer.

Some statistics that show the problem with guns in the USA are very very disturbing:

1.       There are approximately 300 million guns in the USA ( yes, 300 million – one for each citizen )

2.       The USA has about 10,000 murders a year in which a gun was used – 1 murder every hour

3.       Japan had 120 such murders

4.       The USA murder rate where a gun is used is 6 times higher than that in Europe

5.       The USA murder rate where a gun is used is 65 time higher than in Asia ( Japan, Korea, China )

6.       The murder rate in the USA is 14.5 people per 100,000 population. Japan is .05 – the USA murder rate is 280 times that of Japan when a gun is used.

There are many reasons that peope commit murder – but using a gun makes it easier. It’s an impersonal act. It’s not like choking or someone, or using a knife. It’s being able to kill from a distance. That’s the whole purpose  of a gun – being able to kill from a distance, even if it’s only from a few feet away. It’s easier and much faster and efficient.

While I don’t think guns should be banned , that’s impossible to accomplish, I do think that the laws concerning private sales and gun shows must be strengthened to implement background checks. I do think some sort of ban should be implemented on certain types of guns such as assault weapons. I also think that limits should be implemented on just how many bullets a gun may hold.

Politically it is not popular to limit gun rights. It’s almost like limiting religion. But, when the country has had enough of the senseless killing and ruined lives then reasonable laws and restraint can take effect. But it won’t happen until  the day comes when the voters as a majority say to their elected leaders that enough is enough.

While we value our Constitutional rights as Americans – like many rights they also require a responsibility. I have the right to drink alcohol – but not while driving. I have right to free speech as long as it is not slanderous. I have many rights of freedom – but they all require responsibility and not injure others.

The overabundance of guns in our society makes the USA the murder capital of the world. In fact – of the top 37 countries by population the USA accounts for nearly 50% of all the murders. That means the number of murders with guns in the USA is equal to the total of the next 36 countries.

So, in summation, I value the rights my country has given me – but I want our politicians to also make my right to be more secure in my society a priority and that can only happen with sensible guns laws.










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回复 徐敏豪 2012-1-13 06:41


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