《剑桥中国秦汉史》(The Cambridge History of China Volume 1 - The Ch'in and Han Empires)第五章“汉代的灭亡”第三节“对汉王朝灭亡的剖析”中有这样一个段落:
We know very little about popular religion during the Han. We can surmise that it must have been fragmented, each region having its own customs and deities. To the official historian it was not an interesting phenomenon unless it interfered with the business of government. During the Later Han, however, religion sometimes took the form of mass movements, as for instance in 107, when the historian noted a mass migration of people in the northern regions, where they had been circulating alarming stories. In 175 too, a mass movement was reported to the court, and the Yellow Turbans were the most dramatic instance of a mass movement bred by religion. In recent years, studies have revealed that during the middle period of the Later Han there existed a sect that foretold the coming of a messianic figure who would deliver the faithful from earthly troubles." Religion and politics form a potent mixture, as the court will have noticed when it had to deal with rival emperors set up by the people in connection with some metaphysical or religious system.
对于汉代的民间宗教我们知道的很少。我们可以总括起来讲,它必然是分散而不成体系,每一个地区都有它自己的风俗习惯和神灵。对于官方历史学家来说,除非它涉及政府的公务,这种现象不值得留意。可是在后汉,宗教有时采取群众运动的形式,例如在公元107年,当时的历史学家注意到北部居民有一次群众大迁移运动,那里的人民中间流传着大惊小怪的议论。公元175年也是这样,朝廷据报有群众运动,黄巾军便是由宗教孕育起来的最惹人注目的群众运动。从近年来的研究得知,在后汉中叶存在着这样一个教派,它预告会降临一个弥赛亚式的人物来拯救信教者脱出尘世的苦难。 宗教和政治形成了一个有力的混合物,因为朝廷注意的是,它必须对付因与某种超自然的或宗教的体系有关的人民推戴的敌对皇帝的问题。
这段译文中的错误不止一处,但我们在此只讨论最后一句中出于误解原文句法的误译。原文中的“as the court will have noticed when it had to deal with rival emperors set up by the people in connection with some metaphysical or religious system.”是一个比较状语从句,被译者误解为原因状语从句。按该译文,“朝廷注意…敌对皇帝的问题”是“宗教和政治形成了一个有力的混合物”的原因。好像如果朝廷不注意到该问题,宗教和政治就不会形成一个有力的混合物了。这是说不通的。上文中正在讲述的正是“黄巾军便是由宗教孕育起来的最惹人注目的群众运动”。“群众运动”正是“宗教和政治形成了一个有力的混合物”一句中所谓的“政治”。黄巾军运动所显示的“宗教和政治形成了一个有力的混合物”,其原因绝不是“朝廷注意…敌对皇帝的问题”。换言之,前者并非因后者而起。
You can go first as you're the oldest.
主句: You can go first
从句: you're the oldest
They face a hard task, as yesterday's discussions amply demonstrated.
主句:They face a hard task
從句:as yesterday's discussions amply demonstrated
yesterday's discussions amply demonstrated 是一个不完整句子。 demonstrate 作“展现、表现、显示”解时必须是及物动词,必须有宾语。在上面的例子中,as正是作为demonstrated的宾语,同时替代整个主句,即They face a hard task。这个句子如果改写为“yesterday's discussions amply demonstrated (that) they face a hard task”意思是完全一样的,只是强调的重点不同。
When it had to deal with rival emperors set up by the people in connection with some metaphysical or religious system, the court will have noticed that religion and politics form a potent mixture.
其意思与原句是完全一样的,只是强调的重点不同。原文强调的是一个社会现象: religion and politics form a potent mixture (宗教和政治形成了一个强有力的混合物)。