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哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS) 昨天(10/8)在 ”星期天早晨” 電視廣播節目中播出 ”石林國家公園” 的視頻,(點擊觀賞)。
內容主要是花卉、禿鷹。用顯微觀點來介紹宏觀自然風景(國家公園)效果不會很好。一位讀者發表了以下的評論,我100% 同意。
The video is awesome, but the park is a waste of a trip. The flowers can be seen anywhere in California, and much better (e.g. Lompoc, Antelope Valley). Condors are more plentiful and easier to see at Navajo Bridge near Vermilion Cliffs. The pinnacles aren't even close to as beautiful Chiricahua, Arches or Bryce Canyon. Skip this place.