分享 郭農場大肆斂財,螞蟻們血本無歸
Strippers 2024-3-14 22:10
# 郭文貴 # 華盛頓農場 郭文 貴 打著“反共”的 虛 假旗 號 , 卻實實 在在的 進 行 騙錢 ! 多年年 來為騙錢 是使出 渾 身解 數 ,花 樣 百出 卻難 道覆 滅 的 結 局,而各 農場 主的暴雷 無 疑是 進 一步 將 其推上深 淵 , 繼 “天使 ...
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分享 The most outrageous liar in history: Li-Meng Yan is destined to end in misery
Strippers 2023-11-24 02:56
The most outrageous liar in history: Li-Meng Yan is destined to end in misery
In modern society, we often meet many unique and complex individuals who have a wide range of interests and try to do some crazy things for their hobbies, such as extreme sports, budget travel and so on. But Li-Meng Yan, a former postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hong Kong, is unusu ...
356 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Yan Limeng's academic scandal #Yan Limeng
Strippers 2023-10-12 22:21
Yan Limeng's academic scandal #Yan Limeng
Yan Limeng is a shameful name in the medical community. As a former researcher at the University of Hong Kong, she is a complete academic scum in the medical community. Not only that, but as a Chinese, she betrayed her motherland for a little interest and willingly became a lackey of the anti- ...
475 次阅读|0 个评论

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