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Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus or VVDI2?

已有 532 次阅读2023-3-7 04:54 |系统分类:科技教育| Launch, Thinkdiag, Car key programmer 分享到微信

Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus or Xhorse VVDI2 which do you prefer?

Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus or VVDI2?_图1-1

VVDI2 works better on a PC because it’s easier to save and transfer files, but it’s limited to working in the same place and doesn’t offer many. conveniences.Key tool plus supported more brands as WDI2. VVDI2 can only do VAG/BMW/Porsche. Key tool plus will also do MB, Toyota 8A AKL, Ford 2016 onwards AKL and many more.

Xhorse Key tool plus has the advantage of having a key tool max and most of a mini prog built in and their key reader/programmer, but there are many solder-free adapters and cables and such to buy to do. everything. Key tool plus can also control Xhorse key cutting machine, VVDI2 does not cos it is PC based.

An EWS4 BMW can be like a Mercedes key, in one thing can be connected to the adapter, read files, and load files these functions, because they are built in.

The battery life is so long that even if you forget to turn it off, you can still charge 10+ cars, which is a very easy thing to worry about and save effort.

From the point of view of repairing cars, convenience and practicality are more attractive to me.

VVDI2 full gives you key programmer for VAG via OBD, 4th and 5th IMMO works good. Also gives you options for BMW key programming via EEPROM and OBD (recommended the EEPROM version, OBD is not always safe). The Porsche is also there (EEPROM) + Peugeot/ Citroen key learning via OBD. Transponder programmer is a nice Feature. It does key programming via EEPROM. It has a lot of features like tango, but some of them are not working.

Xhorse remote database is available on both machines and it works fine with horse remotes. No single tool can do all, better have both.







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