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the hydraulic release of the single hydraulic circuit of the caterpillar311D LRR

已有 280 次阅读2024-7-29 10:13 |系统分类:科技教育| caterpillar 分享到微信

This article introduces the hydraulic release of the single hydraulic circuit of the caterpillar311D LRR excavator


The pressure of rolling hot oil or hydraulic oil can cause harm to

After the engine shutdown, the hydraulic oil pressure will
remain in the hydraulic system. Serious injury may occur
without prior pressure release prior to repairs to the
hydraulic system.
When removing the components or lines of the hydraulic
system, ensure that all work machines are lowered to the
ground and that the hydraulic oil temperature is cold. Remove
it only when the engine is stopped and the filler cap is
cooled to manual touch. 

pay attention to
During inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting and
servicing the engine. Prepare a suitable container for
fluid collection before opening or dismantling any stored
For tools and supplies suitable for the collection and
delivery of liquids on Caterpillar products, see Special
publications, NENG 2500, "Caterpillar Agents Tools
Dispose of all liquids in accordance with local regulations and

Follow the following steps to release the hydraulic pressure from the single
hydraulic circuit of the main hydraulic system.

1. Park the machine on the horizontal ground.

2. Fully withdraw the bucket rod cylinder connecting rod. Adjust the bucket
position so that the bucket is parallel to the ground. Lower the boom
until the bucket falls horizontally on the ground. See the illustration

3. Turn off the engine. 
4. Turn the engine start switch to the on position, but not starting the
5. Place the hydraulic start control lever in the unlock position. 
6. Move only the joystick or pedal of the repaired hydraulic loop to the
full position. This will only release only the high pressure in this
single hydraulic loop. This will also release any pressure that may
exist in the pilot hydraulic circuit.
Note: If the repaired hydraulic circuit needs to start the operating
switch, start the corresponding operating switch in the hydraulic
7. Place the hydraulic start control lever in the locked position. 
8. Turn the engine start switch to the off position. 
9. Slowly release the filling port plug on the hydraulic tank to release
the pressure on the hydraulic tank. The fill port plug shall remain
loose for at least 45 seconds. This releases the pressure that may be
present in the return hydraulic circuit. 
10. Tighten the filling plug on the hydraulic tank to the specified torque. 
11. The pressure in the single hydraulic circuit requiring repair is now 
released and the lines and components can be disconnected or removed from
the hydraulic circuit.

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