This article introduces doosan DA30 Dump Truck engine assembly -Removal
Doosan Diagnostic Tool UVIM Support Doosan Excavators High Quality Place the dump truck on level ground and apply parking brake.
Apply articulation lock.
Turn off main switch in battery case.
Raise the dump body and lock it with the safety support.
Raise the tiltable cab and lock it with the safety support.
Remove bonnet.
Drain engine coolant.
Look in OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUAL chapter 2 for instructions.
Never turn off battery main switch when engine is running
Never turn off battery mainSwitch when ignition is on
Leave battery main switch on for atleast 3 minutes before engine has stopped
DANGER:lace wheel chocks to the front wheel
Take away the cab bolt, left and right hand side.
M46 mm
Bolt torque: 277Nm

Turn the direction valve on the pump
in lifting up position.
With the handle, pump and raise the

Left side:
Disassemble the cab pump unit from the air filter stand.
Remove the water hose from the pipe socket.
Remove the fuel hoses (3 pcs) and
Disassemble hydraulic hoses
Disasssemble the cable to the Air filter sensor and cable to the
sensor for the cooling water expansion tank. The unit will have two
sensors on T4i/stage 3B (black arrows).
Doosan Machine Engine Diagnostic Software Package 2024 One PC Installation
Slack the transmission belt.
Detach the Air Cond. compressor with the hoses on, from the
engine. Check that all of the clamps are undone.
Place the Air condition compressor on the left side while the en
gine is dismounted.
Disconnect the hose from the termostat housing and the pipe between the air cooler and engine air inlet.
Disconnect bracket for the air pipe and bracket between engine and fan bracket
Disconnect the outlet pipe bend from turbo, and the inlet water
hose from the transmission cooler.

Disconnect the retur hose. (Engine - expansion tank)
(Quick release coupling)
(Front of the engine, view from the right hand side)
Disconnect the urea venting filter

Disconnect the cables between starter motor and the frame
Disassemble grounding cable attached to bracket underneath the
engine starter.
2023.07 Doosan DMS-5 Data Monitoring System Diagnostic Software
Disconnect contact on the dynamo.
Remove the cover and disconnect the electrical contact from the
engine ECU -S6 control unit
Unwind wires from engine to frame
Front- Left and right hand side, disassemble screw on the engine
mounting bracket.
Assembly torque: 560 Nm (M20 10.9)

Remove clamps and dissasemble hoses connected to hydraulic
block (red arrows)
Drive shaft
Remove safety archer.
Remove driveshaft between transmission and engine coupling,
Assembly torque: 114 Nm
Assembly torque: 141 Nm
Assembly torque: 141 Nm
Disassemble front brake oil cooler hose from
the brake cooler circulate pump.