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Volvo MD2010, MD2020, MD2030, MD2040 Engine Dismantling of Cylinder Head

已有 450 次阅读2024-6-21 02:09 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

This Article Mainly Introduces Volvo MD2010, MD2020, MD2030, MD2040 Engine Dismantling of Cylinder Head

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1. Remove both battery leads. Close the fuel cocks.

2. Close the bottom valve and drain off the water in the sea and fresh water system.

3. Release the hose to the heat exchanger from the sea water pump. Release the exhaust pipe from the exhaust hook

4. Release the thick rubber hose under the heat ex- hanger. (Note: the hose is filled with refrigerant). Release the thin hose from the refrigerant pump.

5 . MD2010 , MD2020 : remove the drive belt for the al ternator/refrigerant pump. Remove the alternator and clamp.

6 Release the relay box from the heat exchanger housing and hang it up.

7 Release the electric cables to the oil pressure relay and to the refrigerant temperature relay and sensor (where ppropriate)

8. MD2040 : remove the cover at the front on the heat exchanger housing's right-hand side. Remove the
spacer ring, thermostat and rubber seal.

9. changer. Remove the expansion tank complete with heat ex MD2010 , MD2020 : Remove the spring, thermostat
and rubber seal from the heat exchanger housing.

10. MD2010, MD2020 , MD2030 : Remove the induction manifold. MD2040 :Remove the inlet pipe complete with air filter.

11. Release the delivery pipe at the injection pump and injectors. Lift off the delivery pipes together. Protect the connections from impurities.

12. Remove the nut at the top of respective injectors and lift off the fuel leak pipe .

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13. Unscrew the injectors. Use a long socket, 80 mm.
MD2010 ,
, MD2030 = 22 mm
= 27 mm.
Remove the copper gaskets under the injectors.
MD2030 : Remove the heat shields (3, Fig. 10).
MD2010 , MD2020 , MD2030 : Remove the inserts
(4) and the lower copper washers.

14. Release the electric cable to the glow plug. Re
move the conductor rail and unscrew the glow plug.

15. MD2010 , MD2020, MD2030 : Remove the circula
tion pump.
Note. The pump must be released/re
the cylinder head is released. The
pump can otherwise be broken. Remove the spring
and thermostat.

16. Remove the oil pressure pipe between the cylinder block and cylinder head (rocker mechanism on MD2040).

17. Remove the valve cover (built together with the in
l et pipe on MD2010 , MD2020 and MD2030 ).

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18. Release the nuts from the rockers' bearing brack ets. Remove the rocker mechanism (1, Fig. 13) and
pull rods (2). Remove the valve caps (3, MD2040 ) from the valve stem.

19. Release the cylinder head screws in several sta ges. Note: Begin in the middle of the cylinder head and release the screws in a circle outwards. Lift off the cylinder head.







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