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Isuzu truck Brake Lining Clearance Adjustment (2L and D2L)

已有 390 次阅读2024-6-16 09:06 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

s article describes how ISUZU truck Brake Lining Clearance Adjustment (2L and D2L)

04.2024 ISUZU G- IDSS TruckDiagnostic Software Download & Installation

Without auto-adjuster type

1. Chock the wheels not being adjusted.

2. Jack up the axle until the wheels can be turned freely.

3. Manually shake the wheel to check for excessive play.

4. Remove the grommet fitted to one of the brake drum cover adjuster holes.

5. Insert a screwdriver into the adjuster hole.

Manually rotate the wheel while turning the adjust- er (A) in the direction of the arrow (1) until resis- tance is felt at the wheel.

6. Back off the adjuster (A) in the direction of the ar- row (2) the specified number of notches.

04.2023 ISUZU E- IDSS Diagnostic Software Download and Installation Service

7. Install the grommet to the adjuster hole.

8. Repeat Steps 4 through 7 on the other wheels. 9. Lower the vehicle to the ground.

With auto-adjuster type

1. Measure the internal diameter of the brake drum.

• Take measurement of the distance at (A), (B) and (C) points.

2. Measure the external diameter of the brake shoe.

• Take measurement of the distance at (A), ( B) and (C) points.

3. Turn the adjuster gear so that the difference be- tween the internal diameter of the brake drum and the external diameter of the brake shoe becomes 0.6 mm (0.024 in).

4. Step on the brake hard while turning the brake drum in the forward direction, or while driving for- ward.

ISUZU IDSS MX2-T Diagnostic Adapter System Support G-IDSS/ US-IDSS/E-IDSS (Included DHL Shipping)







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