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Caterpillar 3208 Diesel Engine Fuel Setting Introduction

已有 392 次阅读2024-6-7 02:17 |系统分类:科技教育| caterpillar 分享到微信

 This article focuses on the Caterpillar 3208 diesel engine fuel settings

The procedure that follows for fuel setting can be donewith the housing for the fuel injection pumps either on or off the engine.
NOTE: If the fuel injection pump group is equipped with a fuel ratio control, the control must be removed before the fuel setting is checked or adjusted.


     Removal Of Covers
(1) Shutaff solenoid. (2) Top cover.

NOTICE Before any service work is done on this fuel system, the outside of the housing for the fuel injection pumpsand all parts connected to it must be especially clean.

1. Remove shutoff solenoid (1) and cover (2).
2. Put the 5P0298 Zero Set Pin (5), with 17.8507 on it, in the pump housing.

3. Put adapter (3) and spring (4) over zero set pin (5).
Use a 1D4533 Bolt and a 1D4538 Bolt to fasten adapter (3) to the housing for the fuel injection pumps. 


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 2Installation Of Cover
(3) 5P6602 Adapter. (4) 3J6956 Spring. (5) 5P0298 Zero Set Pin, with 17.8507 on it.

4. Put screw (6) in the hole over pin (5) and spring (4). 

Installation Of Screw
(6) 8S7271 Screw.

5. Turn screw (6) clockwise until pin (5) is held against the housing for the fuel injection pump. DO NOT tighten screw (6) too tight.
6. Put clamp (7) in adapter (3).
7. Move the governor control lever to FULL LOAD position.

Installation Of Clamp
(3) Adapter. (7) 3P1565 Collet clamp.

8. Put 5P6531 Point (9) on dial indicator (8). Put the indicator assembly in clamp (7).

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      Installation Of Dial Indicator
(7) 3P1565 Collet Clamp. (8) 3P1567 Dial Indicator. (9) 5P6531
Contact Point, 57.2 mm (2.25 in) long.

Indicator Set On Zero
(8) 3P1567 Dial Indicator. (10) Pointers.
9. Adjust dial indicator (8) so both pointers (10) are on
10. Use wrench (11) to turn the 8S7271 Screw (6)
counterclockwise. Turn screw (6) six or more turns.


   Loosening Screw (6)(11) 5P4205 Wrench.

11. Put the clip end of the 8T0500 Circuit Tester to a good ground. Put the other end of the 8T0500
Circuit Tester on the load stop contact.

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 8T0500 Circuit Tester

12. Move the governor control lever to the LOW IDLE position.
13. Move the governor control lever slowly toward the HIGH IDLE position until the continuity light just comes on. Make a note of the reading on dial indicator (8). Do this step several times to make sure the reading is correct.
14. Make a comparison of this reading and the fuel setting in the Fuel Setting And Related Information Fiche.
15. If the reading on dial indicator (8) is not correct, do the fo the following.







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