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Caterpillar 311F LRR - JFT Crawler Excavator Engine Camshaft Removal and Install

已有 233 次阅读2024-5-17 10:30 |系统分类:科技教育| caterpillar 分享到微信

This article introducesCaterpillar 311F LRR - JFT Crawler Excavator Engine Camshaft Removal and Installation

Camshaft – removal and mounting
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Removing steps


A. Remove the camshaft gear. See Disassembly and assembly, "Camshaft gear-removal and install" for the correct procedure.

pay attention to

Keep all the parts clean without impurities.

Impurities can cause rapid wear and shorten component life.

1. The engine shall be mounted inverted on a suitable bench. 2. Remove the bolts (3) from the thrust plate (1). 3. Make temporary marks to determine the orientation of the thrust sheet (1). Slide the camshaft towards the front of the engine to remove the thrust plate. Remove the stopper. pay attention to Do not damage the cam or the bearings when removing or installing the camshaft. 4. Carefully remove the camshaft (3) from the cylinder block. Installation steps pay attention to Keep all the parts clean without impurities. Impurities can cause rapid wear and shorten component life. CAT Caterpillar ET 3 Diagnostic Adapter 317-7485/478-0235 Diagnostic Tool- high quality

1. Clean the camshaft (2) and the thrust plate (1). Check the camshaft and thrust plates for wear and damage. For more information, see the technical specification, "Camshaft". If necessary, replace all worn or damaged parts.

2. Clean the camshaft bearings in the cylinder block. Check the camshaft bearings for wear and damage. For more information, see the Technical Parameters, "Camshaft Bearing". Replace the camshaft bearings, if necessary. Refer to Disassembly and assembly, "Camshaft bearing-Removing and installing."

pay attention to

Replace all the tappets when installing the new camshaft

3 Check the ttt for wear and damage. For more information, please see the technical parameters, "Tappet assembly". If necessary, replace all worn or damaged straight poles. See Disassembly and assembly, "Tappet Assembly-Removing and Installation" for the correct steps.

4. Lubricate the cams and bearing surfaces of the camshaft with clean engine oil.

pay attention to

Do not damage the cam or the bearings when removing or installing the camshaft.

5. Carefully install the camshaft (3) into the cylinder block. Keep the camshaft slightly protruding for thrust plate installation.

6. Lubricate the thrust plate with a clean engine oil (1). Position the thrust sheet on the camshaft and position the chamfer on the position (X) toward the block. Slide the camshaft into the cylinder block.

7. Install the bolts ( 3) on the thrust plate (1). Tighten the bolts to a torque of 25N-m (2211b in).

End By: Install the camshaft gear. See Disassembly and assembly, "Camshaft gear-Removing and installing" for the correct procedure .
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