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Disassembly and assembly of Doosan DA30 hinged truck dump truck centrifugal oil

已有 220 次阅读2024-4-23 04:39 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

This article introduces the disassembly and assembly of the centrifugal oil purifier of Doosan DA30 hinged truck dump truck

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Some of the oil passes from the main passage in the oil cooler cover to the centrifugal cleaner and then, after cleaning, flows back to the sump.

Surplus oil is drained back to the sump via an

overflow valve. This ensures that the pressure in the oil system is not too high.

The centrifugal cleaner's rotor is caused to spin by the force of the oil which squirts out through two nozzles at the bottom of the rotor.

Dirt particles are slung against the wall of the rotor by centrifugal force and fasten there as a coating.

The rotor should be dismantled and cleaned at definite intervals according to the inspection pro- gramme included in the operator's manual. 1. Housing 2. Plug 3. Gasket 4. Spring 5. Piston 6. Plug 7.Washer 8.Shaft 9. Nozzle 10. Rotor 11. Strainer 12. O-ring (change when cleaning) 13. Rotorbowl 14. Nut 15. Snap ring 16. O-ring (change when cleaning) 17. Cover 18. Lifting eye 19. O-ring 20. Lock nut 21. Nipple 22. Gasket Dismantling and assembly - During routine cleaning of the oil cleaner, there should be a certain amount of dirt deposits in the rotor bowl. - If this is not the case, it indicates that the rotor is not spinning. The cause of this must be immediately investigated. - If the dirt deposit exceeds 28 mm at the recommended intervals, the rotor bowl should be cleaned more often. 1. Undo the nut holding the outer cover and remove the nut. 2. Drain out the oil from the rotor 3. Lift out the rotor. Wipe off the outside. Undo the rotor nut and unscrew it about three turns to protect the bearing. note:The rotor must not be put in a vice. Never strike the rotor bowl. This may cause damage resulting in imbalance. 2023.07 Doosan DMS-5 Data Monitoring System Diagnostic Software 4. If the rotor nut is difficult to get loose, turn the rotor upside down and fasten the rotor nut in a vice. 5. Turn the rotor counterclockwise 1,5 turns by hand, if this does not help, use M20 screw and nut as shovn on the figure 308. 6. Grasp the rotor bowland tap lightly with







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