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Perkins 2806F Engine Combustion Head Installation Procedure Guide

已有 242 次阅读2024-4-11 10:02 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

This article introduces the Perkins 2806F engine combustion head Installation procedure

Installation Procedure

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1. Ensure that all components are free from wear or damage.

2. Clean the combustion head. Refer to Systems Operation Testing and Adjusting, Swirl Plate (ARD Combustion)-Inspect/Clean for the correct procedure.

3. If necessary, follow Step 3.a through Step 3.d to assemble combustion head (21).

a. Install combustion head (21) into a suitable support.

b. Install a new O-ring seal (25) (not shown) and new O-ring seal (27) (not shown) to adapter (24)
and adapter (26).

c. Install adapter (24) and adapter (26) to combustion head (21). Tighten the adapters to a torque of 30 Nm (266 lb in).

d. Install adapter (22) and adapter (23) to combustion head (21). Tighten the adapters to a torque of 60 Nm (44 Ibft).

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4. If necessary, install studs (18). Tighten the studs to a torque of 17 Nm (150 Ib in).

5. Install a new gasket (20). Install tube assembly
(19) and a new gasket (17).

6. Apply Tooling (A) onto the threads of studs (18).
7. Install combustion head (21). Install nuts (16).
Tighten nuts (16) in a crisscross pattern to a torque of 23 Nm (204 Ib in).
Tighten the nuts again in a crisscross pattern to a torque of 23 Nm (204 Ib in).
Tighten the nuts again in a crisscross pattern to a torque of 23 Nm (204 Ib in).

8. Install ARD spark plug (15) to combustion head
(21). Refer toDisassembly and Assembly, ARD Spark Plug -Remove and Install for the correct procedure.

9. Install flame detection temperature sensor (11) and flame detect (12). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Temperature Sensor (DPF Inlet, Flame Detect)-Remove and Install for the correct procedure.

10. Remove caps from adapters and plugs from hose assembly (6), hose assembly (7), hose assembly
(9), and hose assembly (10).

11. Install hose assembly (6), hose assembly (7), hose assembly (10), and tube assembly (9).
Ensure that the hose assemblies and tube assembly are installed into the correct positions.

12. Tighten the tube nuts for the hose assembly (6)
and hose assembly (7) to a torque of 13 Nm
(115 lb in). Ensure that the hose assemblies are not strained as the tube nuts are tightened.

13. Tighten the tube nuts for tube assembly (9) and hose assembly (10) to a torque of 25 Nm
(221 lb in). Ensure that the hose assemblies and the tube assembly are not strained as the tube nuts are tightened.

14. Connect high tension lead (8) to the spark plug.

15. Position ground strap (14) onto the combustion head. Install bolt (13) to the ground strap. Tighten the bolt to a torque of 12 Nm (106 Ib in).

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16. Install tube assembly (3) to hose assembly (2).

17. Install a new gasket (5) (not shown) between tube assembly (3) and the combustion head. Ensure that the gasket is correctly orientated.

18. Apply Tooling (A) onto the threads of bolts (4). Install the bolts to tube assembly (3). Tighten the bolts to a torque of 28 Nm (248 Ib in).

19. Tighten hose clamp (1) to a torque of 11 Nm
(97 lb in).

20. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.

21. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON position.

22. Perform the ARD ignition test. Refer to Troubleshooting Manual, "ARD Ignition -Test"for the correct procedure.







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